Latest from UP Miniaturen -Queen Louise


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A Fixture
Feb 13, 2004
Bedale North Yorkshire England
Wow!!! That is a beauty!

Thanks for the review Ulrich. There are some challenges for the painter there but it will paint up into a lovely bust.

Edit: Is this the same lady Napoleon is said to have referred to as the only man in Prussia?

Hi to one and all ,
It was again my please to welcome the postman with a small package for me , this time it was the latest from UP Miniaturen : Queen Louis v Mecklenburg Strelitz of Prussia.

First lets have some background on Louise , a truely beautiful woman as you can see from the pictures .

Luise Auguste Wilhelmine Amalie (10 March 1776 – 19 July 1810) was Queen consort of Prussia.

Louise was born in Hannover , in 1793 Luise met the Crown Prince of Prussia, he was deeply impressed by her beauty and nobility of character, Frederick William asked her to become his wife. They were married on 24 December of the same year. As Queen of Prussia, she commanded universal respect and affection, and nothing in Prussian history is more admired than the dignity and unflinching courage with which she bore the sufferings inflicted on her and her family during the war between Prussia and France

After the Jena and when the battles of Eylau and Frieland had placed Prussia absolutely at the mercy of France, she made a personal appeal to Napoleon at his headquarters in Tilst, but to no avail.
During the war Napoleon attempted to destroy the Queen's reputation, but the only effect of his charges in Prussia was to make her more deeply beloved. On 19 July 1810 she died aged 34 in her husband's arms, while visiting her father in Strelitz. She was buried in the garden of the Palace at Charlottenburg , where a mausoleum, containing a fine recumbent was built over her grave (see pictures). In 1840, her husband was buried by her side

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Queen Louise

Moving onto the actual model itself :

Scale : 1:10th

Material : Resin

Reference Number : 0024

Sculptor; Ulrich Puchala

Casting: Yanis Sagiadinos of YS masterpieces

As usual from UP , it was received very quickly and well packed , coming complete with an information sheet signed by the sculptor , the model (a limited edition) consisting of 4 pieces , the torso , a head and shoulders and the hair itself, and a NEW base (Nice one Ulrich(y))

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Queen Louise

Lets now look at the sculpt itself looking first at the torso :

Ulrich has sculpted Louise wearing the lastest in fashion for the period , a beautiful , low cut silk dress tied just below the breasts , almost greek in look , a really classic piece .
I have no doubt that UP miniaturens studio was full of picture references to achieve the clothing .

Has he achieved the look ...100% in my opinion , the fall of the clothing is extremely well done , folds being soft and natural looking , this will be a great challenge to reproduce in white but what a result it will be ...stunning for sure ..

Painting tip : you could always use Winsor and Newton Iridescent Medium to achieve that shiny silky look of the material used (available in all good art shops)

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Queen Louise

Lets have a look at the hair , this is sculpted separately , which once you have done the prep ie the dry run befoe painting , will sit in place very nicely with an absolute minute amount of filler required .

Looking at the style , again its classic for the period full of ringlets with the three pieces at the back of the hair being finely defined this again is of great assistance to the painter and must have taken some time and patiebce to sculpt ..WELL DONE Ulrich it looks great .(y)

Referring to the closeups of my references I will probably add some individual twists of hair at her forehead sides , but this is my choice and not totally necessary ..what would I suggest using ...either fine fuse wire or magi sculpt ...never did make things easy for myself !!!! ;)

As a queen she has acrown and this one is very special , it has been sculpted as though it is being worn , details are very well done in particular the fine decorations and jewels.

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Queen Louise

Next we have what makes or breaks any bust ..the face , in this case its even more vital that it is correct , delicate , light features , the head has been sculpted with the shoulders this in itself could almost sit alone on a nice base its the perfect image of a beautiful and strong woman .

The facial features are very close to the images available to refer to , eyes are well done and she has delicate lips all very feminine looking , of particular note is the mass of ringlets and strands of hair also sculpted , all finely done , when the hair top piece is put on it just looks great , there is a small remnant of a casting plug to remove ..very easily done with wet and dry.

The shoulders and the cleavage are again well done , and it fits into the torso like a glove , no filler is required ...indeed when I received the review model this and the torso were together and so well did they fit I originally thought it was a one piece casting ..either way a nice female face and credit to Ulrich for the sculpt and to Yannis for casting such fine details .

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Queen Louise

Next we have the reworked base that comes with this bust (thanks for listening Ulrich) , as you can see its still in the shape of a greman cross but this time its the shape of a pour le merite cross , with rounded edges , fitting is required of course from the pedestal piece that comes sculpted with the torso , I suggest that you pin them together as well as glue ..we wouldn't want the base to collapse with your pride and joy on it !!!!!

This is a nice change which is still in keeping with the rest of the range so nice touch Ulrich ..a small amount of work makes a nice difference to the end result.

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Queen Louise

Finally lets have a look at the full piece , on the dry run all pieces fitted together with no major problems apart from a little prep as normal , remember to pin the base , sculpting is I think some of the best I have seen , naturally done , producing what is in my opinion a lovely representation of a determined and brave Queen of Prussia , still loved and remembered to this day by all of Germany .

Together with Mati Hari (previously reviewed on PF by myself) together they will make a stunning centre piece of an modellers display cabinet .

It was great to be able to review this bust and I look forward to doing others from this forward thinking company ...WELL DONE UP MINIATUREN .

Queen Louise can be obtained for 35 euro's plus shipping

UP miniatures contact details : or [email protected]

Queen Louise

Hi Janne ,
You are right a beautiful piece , which will require delicate painting wether its the fleshwork or the clothing ..certainly a challenge ...its on my bench but I only received the review sample this morning !!!!!!

Wow!!! That is a beauty!

Thanks for the review Ulrich. There are some challenges for the painter there but it will paint up into a lovely bust.

Edit: Is this the same lady Napoleon is said to have referred to as the only man in Prussia?


How did my reply to Ulrich's thread end up at the start of Nap's thread? Not a huge problem but a bit confusing this early in the day :)


Excusing gents.
We got a little surprise, confusing and crossing threads in best opinions.
All involved people declared it behind the scene.
Gordy was so kindly in his response to do his help and clearing , put the prepared thread on this place!

I beg your pardon, that we must loose your post and all the other viewer.
I hope you and all the others will understood this more now
and have a nice weekend
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