Latorre Models coming back...


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A Fixture
Jan 10, 2016
London, UK
Or at least that's what the Facebook post seems to hint at.
Always good news to hear that a new or revived company is coming to the field.If this company then happens to be the project of one of the best sculptors around the news become great and not just good.Fingers crossed...

He's never really left but been doing things for companies like Art Girona and his own MProyec (fantasy stuff but still his quality).

Be nice to see it be new lines rather than making the old sculpts available again. More so those who hunted down hard to get miniatures don't find their time and money were wasted.
That would be good news if they're going to produce the back catalogue again.I was a massive fan of Raoul and painted quite lot of his early stuff.His fantasy stuff is really top class ,but dare i say it,his historical figures that he's done for other companies,are not up to the usual standards you would expect from this icon of figure sculpting and painting.It's just not the sculpting, but his historical figures have not been anatomically correct, and look like they've been rushed.
I don't take any pleasure in stating this fact IMO, but it had to be said.I would have bought anything,sight unseen,by Raoul at one time ,but i realised you can't just rest on a name,especially with his recent historical figures.I hope that if Latorres figures starts up again,he can return to his best.
There is nothing personal meant by this,as i've always had a good relationship with him, and his earlier figures.
I also agree with what Brian says, some of his recent stuff has been a bit hit & miss. This 75mm Viking that he did a couple of years or so ago for Art Girona is lovely though, so the talent is clearly still there and if he can get consistently back to that level, I look forward to seeing what else he might have up his sleeve.

latroee viking.jpg

I don't see why releasing new stuff and reissuing the old stuff should be mutually exclusive. Why not both?! I take the point about "so those who hunted down hard to get miniatures don't find their time and money were wasted", but the flip-side of that is the guys who haven't been able to get hold of the pieces they like from the old range.

I reckon we'll just have to wait & see what's in the pipe, but if the company is coming back that can only be good news.

- Steve