Latorre Pirate bust finished!


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What I can have given a reassumed bond of your way
to see pirata and I must say that your analysis has guessed in full load the subject..... beautiful the scar on the good eye and the chromatic combination of the so much appeals to me the connection of the Blue - White with the tones tans you of the skin.
Bravo a beautiful execution...great job.

MAB ;)
you are too kind! It is a pleasure to get compliments from the very tallented people who frequent this forum.

Jay H.
Hi Jay,

very beautiful paint and transfo job (y)

All details are goods : hole in the hat, rope, octopus tatoos (i luv it), scars (maybe a bit too big). And the neeple is a good idea, but I think it's too high should be lower. But who cares :lol:

I have here with my figure the Jean Philippe Prajoux Pirate version. What I can say is that yours is very well done :)

Jean Paul,
I think you're absolutely right about the neeple (said in my best Ren and Stimpy voice).....too high, it just needed something in my opinion, and it made a great spot to have the octopus tentacle wrap around! :lol:

Thanks for the kind words!

Jay H.
Very nice job indeed, you did a very nice job on the eyepacth too.
Did you paint the tatoo on the acrylic undercoat and then painted over it with oil top coat, allowing the tatoo to show thru the transparecy of the oil? I'm asking becuase i plan on doing a Indian soon.

actually the way I did it was to paint it after I had finished my flesh tones. I mixed up my tattoo blue color and then what I do is very lightly and with VERY little paint draw the tattoo on with one of my smallest brushes. I don't thin my paint at all and apply it as if dry-brushing the color on in a very controlled maner. I use oils, just as on the rest of the bust, that don't dry fast, so if I make a mistake I can easily fix it with just a dab of thinner.

I had sketched out the design before hand in Photoshop (I used an actual picture of the bust to render all the "mods" I had in mind for the bust including the tattoo). This gave me a good idea of what to expect when laying down the shape when I was ready. HTH, and thanks for the kind words!

Jay H.
thanks for the info, the photoshop thing is a very good idea i will have to try it.
My friend thats abust i wlways admired and never had the chance topaint . Irealy loved your work with all additionsand changes you did. The outcome is very very nice, and i also love the minimal but effective way u choosed to display it on the base. A work tobe proud off. BRAVOOOOOOOOOO
Hi Jay,

Your overall presentation is just great, the extra effort you put in between the bust and the base just make the whole piece complete. Well done

Costas, Chris, efharisto poli!

Marc, Allen, Frank, Peter, thank you all for the kind words! A really fun piece to get your hands on. Peter, lets see it finished! ;)

Jay h.