A Fixture
Hi all!
Despite Tech problems here in chez gothique ( I don't like Windows7, no siree! ) I have been spending a bit of time on this lovely sculpt by Laurent that I picked up at Euro!
I'm still installing my Photo-editing software so these are just what I sorted with Picassa
This ticked all the boxes for me, nice face, bust, German and no need for a camo design
Painted with my usual mix of Games Workshop and Vallejo acrylics there is still much to do....
Despite Tech problems here in chez gothique ( I don't like Windows7, no siree! ) I have been spending a bit of time on this lovely sculpt by Laurent that I picked up at Euro!
I'm still installing my Photo-editing software so these are just what I sorted with Picassa
This ticked all the boxes for me, nice face, bust, German and no need for a camo design
Painted with my usual mix of Games Workshop and Vallejo acrylics there is still much to do....