Viking Bob
PlanetFigure Supporter
Lovely figure
Thanks for the comment, I really appreciate it.
Lovely figure
Hi Bob
Bit late due to illness etc etc ..oh and washing my hair ...........
Great figure here mate , if I wasn't normal and painted busts ( cough ) this would be on my bench .....lovely facial details well painted and like others the blue is very nicely worked ...might borrow the mix for a Pilipili Musketeer bust
Nice presentation as well
Thanks for sharing
Excellent work Bob. The colors are just wonderful.
Very striking paintwork.
Super job Bob. I've got this on my bench at the moment and love the atmosphere the figure projects. I like your idea of using the two different colours to break up the blue/grey.
Nice one Bob.
Nice paint.
Great figure and very nicely painted Bob!
Beautifully done,
Really nicely painted Bob, super face and that background is nice.