The flesh tones are very clean and smooth.
Thanks Tony! i'm not entirly satisfied with how it came out and i'm still having some trouble getting the really smooth transitions i see others ( on here
) acheiving, but onwards and upwards
I love seeing some of the kits I sold be painted up instead of hanging out in my closet.
Hi Rob! and thanks... i'm still to chicken to tackle the huge whittman half figure but i got all the work done preping it and it's here on my bench, so soon
I love it! Any recipe for the skin tones? I also have this bust in my stash. Some day it start it...
Thanks Pekka! i use mostly GW paints for skin but have used some AV acrylics for the first time on this
my usual recipe is dwarf flesh with dark flesh shadows and elf flesh high lights, prussian blue for eye sockets and beard, brown rose for some reds and GW blood red for ears and tip of the nose
Nice work Mark on the fleshtones. The eyes look very good as well.
Cheers David
Thanks David! i painted out the origional eyes and repainted these ones after i had about finished the face
Excellent fleshcolors.
Thanks Marc
Some progress......
finished the hat and just the badges to do. I'm leaving the hair and tash alone now, i was trying to acheive an older guys blond look, not too sure it worked, he looks about 30 ish... oh well
started doing the insignia......