Little Green Men.


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A Fixture
Feb 13, 2004
Bedale North Yorkshire England
Evolution 1/35


The weapon slings are a bit wide I think but I'm putting that down to inexperience and a lesson learnt.

I'm prepared for incoming, do your worst. :playful:

They look okay to me Roger, nice job on a modern subject. Not sure what the wheeled thingy is (apart from being an armoured APC).
They look neatly painted but modern stuff, well its not got a red coat.
Nice job.
Lovely Lovely accomplished figure modelling there Roger.

I am just a tad confused do I put this?

Do all your new style bases have wheels?

You're always a trendsetter .......obviously..........but I don't think this will catch on, would this style look right under Polish winged hussars for example.
No, so less cheese before bed for you from now on young man, and you will dream more of horseshoes and plumes and feathers as you used to.

Still.....erm that's all, there's just
nowt to praise let's face it.
:) :) :) :) :) P
Thanks Paul.
I'd like to think I've still got a surprise or two up my sleeve. :playful: Back to work on Friday and my next figure base with tracks. :D

Well this was a floaty base with wheelz, is that the theme a caterpiller powered floaty base with a big musket attached and nowhere to fit a proper mans bayonet.
these sound silly, how can a man present arms and form square inside one of them ....
The furthest a chap should be allowed to go in this direction should be a half armoured seahorse surely.
If this continues I shall call you Shirley.

At a boy Roger (y) !

Its refreshing to go off in a little tangent once in a while. Not only that but, you are the only one I know that builds models while bobbing about in a boat!

At a boy Roger (y) !

Its refreshing to go off in a little tangent once in a while. Not only that but, you are the only one I know that builds models while bobbing about in a boat!


Cheers Joe. There's four of us on our ship, not bad for a crew of only fifteen, our own little model club. Meetings every day too, how many clubs can boast that? :D
Cheers Joe. There's four of us on our ship, not bad for a crew of only fifteen, our own little model club. Meetings every day too, how many clubs can boast that? :D
That's one exclusive club!

I can hear it now,

"... ok gents, our next meeting will be tomorrow at 13oohrs, lat xxxxxx, long xxxxxx, same venue..."

I'll bet you all got fancy T-shirts too!

That's one exclusive club!

I can hear it now,

"... ok gents, our next meeting will be tomorrow at 13oohrs, lat xxxxxx, long xxxxxx, same venue..."

I'll bet you all got fancy T-shirts too!


It's probably not the solitary hobby it is for most other people either, there's always someone sticking their head in your cabin to see how you are getting on.
In mine they're usually greeted with, "STOP!! There's a little bit of tank on the carpet I haven't found yet."