Looks good. I'd like to see more shots/angles.
Couple points, however.
The canteens used by the union were made of tin and covered in wool, either the color of the sack coat or the trousers, depending to some degree on when they were issued. The confederates used scavenged Union, greay/butternut covered tin or wooden canteens, at least some of which had landscapes painted on them by the owners.
Second, Union haversacks were tarred cotton which is a semi-gloss black. Yours appear to be leather, but it might be the lighting playing tricks with the shading on your black. (The Confederates' were generally unbleached cotton, but could also be many other colors of heavy duty cotton.) Leather was virtually unknown and would not be desirable due to its weight The weight of the uniform and kit is already substantial, (at least 40 rounds in the cartridge box, more than a quart of water in the canteen, a ten pound musket, a bayonet weighing over a pound, thick leather brogans, belt and cartridge box strap and whatever personal items the soldier ahd in the haversack along with a thick worsted woolen sack coat and equally thick trousers) and a leather haversack would only add to the burden. If issued, they likely would have been discarded quickly and either replaced with a scavenged cotton one of by rolling personal gear in the blanket (as several of your figures are carrying.)