Looking for Oak Leaf B refs


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New Member
Oct 8, 2008

I am trying to find front and back shots of trousers with the Autumn Oak Leaf B pattern showing the fall side to paint a 120mm figure. I have several soft cover books which show the jacket/smock but poor shots of the trousers. Can anyone help?

Hi Brian,

I'll check Michael Beaver's Camouflage uniforms of the Waffen SS, but not sure if it shows both sides.
I'm not sure if I understand, if you have the smock, then you have the pattern to paint on the trousers, or are you looking for something specific?

Hi Brian,

I'll check Michael Beaver's Camouflage uniforms of the Waffen SS, but not sure if it shows both sides.
I'm not sure if I understand, if you have the smock, then you have the pattern to paint on the trousers, or are you looking for something specific?


Hi Denes - I had a friend check and while it shows the spring side apparently it does not show the fall. I do have a smock pattern (sort of) but am not sure of my skills in transferring what I can see to the trousers :) - hence the request.

Mak - thanks for the link - this will help greatly

Hi Brian,

I see, unfortunately the book does only show the spring side, but there are nice close-ups of the pattern on parkas (in case you'd need scans let me know). Maybe an A pattern would be a good guide, it's not so different actually.
Hopefully you manage to find a good photo :)
Good luck :)
dinovision79 said:
Maybe an A pattern would be a good guide, it's not so different actually.
Yeah - basically the same pattern but different colours, no?

Brian, you don't actually need a photo of the rear trousers if you can find a reference to the pattern itself. Then just transfer certain sections to the back of each leg. With the differences in the way the fabric was cut you pretty much can't go wrong!


I went through what I have, no B trousers, sorry.


not exactly, both have autumn and spring side, here are two links:
Oak A - http://bands.sck.pl/index.php?action=Listings&cat_id0=1&cat_id1=4&cat_id2=13&item_id=2636
Oak B - http://www.bands-militaria.com/index.php?action=Listings&cat_id0=1&cat_id1=4&cat_id2=14&item_id=2582

The difference is the thin, dark outlining of the light spots on B and because of this it's more difficult to paint (and maybe a little different arrangement of spots). My observation would be, that the base colour of the B is warmer and darker green/brown and way less homogen, than the A, in every case (possibily the reverse printing sees through?! But why not on A's?), making it extremely difficult to find all 5 colours of the pattern.

Hope this is of some help.


Thanks for the help and the links (those pics are just the job Dino - the zelt pic is great). I should be able to replicate from these. Your are right about the colours on the B - a real challenge - heres hoping I can do it justice

In the meantime I also managed to track down Dan Peterson author of Waffen SS Camouflage Uniforms. We had a great chat and he is also going to send me some pics I can use! (In exchange for a copy of our book:) )
