M.F.C.A. Show


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I came away with more than a few images "burned" in to my mind's eye. I learned a few things, I bought a few things-(no really, not much!). I met more than a few people, and had a great time in doing do. I drank a few beverages with some great folks, and I laughed my a** off at the sight of Lou's version of Billy Connelly. His "frozen flea" reminded me of Woody Allen, but, then, that's just me.
I have heard in the past some people say things like "entries were down", or "there was no grandmaster selected", as if these were bad things. I have heard people question the judging(honestly, who has not?). But, for the life of me, I have a great time, every time I go. If anyone here has NOT been to a show, do yourself a favor, and try to go. I can almost gaurantee, you can find some aspect that will give you great enjoyment.

PS- Lou, how is "Bob"?
((Scares me to know however that our national security is in the hands of Don Ho wannabees ;-) ))

Those shirts were a little disturbing.
I think pics of the figures are great but what about pics from the hospitality suite, especially those shirts!!!!!

Oh they will come.......In great quantities.

I have some photos from the floor I will share as soon as I have some time to "adjust" them.

No one knows who the mysterious "Bob" was other than he slept well in a chair, preferred SS t-shirts (I am told during the day) and left around 4am thanks to the genrosity of Lack and Peter Ferk who drove him back to his hotel. In my day we drew pictures on the "pass outs". He was fortunate.
Drew pictures on the "pass outs"

I would love to here that conversation, "so what medium we gonna use, acrylics or oils, which direction is the light coming from," what colour you were gonna use cos this 1:1 rather than small scale.then all screaming for a W&N #7 brush size 6 to put on the paint with.

Alternatively a marker would be good.

Lookng forward to seeing the pics.

Nothing that deep-more like permanent marker "L" on the forehead. A bit of shaving of one eyebrow. Paint a little fake blood on the edges of the eyes, nose, mouth and ears for an early morning mirror jolt, etc. Good, harmless collegiate fun.
Everyone's dissin the shirts...I am telling you I looked sharp! ;) :lol:
Great to see you my friend...
Hope all is well...


They did look sharp. Very nice shirts, don't get me wrong at all-I loved them. When on a 6'8" tall person with a 52" chest size topped off with a high and tight, their appeal changes to utter fear and intimidation. :lol:

Great meeting you dude. Had a ball with you and Larry. Now get off my taxpayer supported internet access and get back to work! :eek:

Thanks for reminding me why I didn't go to the show (y) That reminds me of the time we shaved obscene words on a pass-out's shins the night before PT. Perhaps I'll take my clippers to WE next year ;)

Hey, don't listen to them - it's just envy. The shirt rocks, man!!! Just say you wear the shirt as inspiration for someday recreating the ultimate pattern in miniature: "Maui-flage." Polynesian camo, that's the ticket!
Wait Lou! Taxpayers don't support the Internet it was invented by Al Gore! I think he also invented Crew Cut's Shirts!

But we do pay you two for doing something other than dawdling on the internet :angry:

Then again, it could be worse, you could be in a cage at 2am. :lol:

Good to see you again and to meet Larry. Those shirts kept me alert for the drive home and that was appreciated.

You both need to come down to Atlanta next February.

this had to be one of my favorite shows to go to. The quality was top notch. it was well worth the 12 hour trip. Loads of inspiration. Lou's Tomoe Gozen looked even better in person if you can beleive that. I was also very impressed with Jason Whitman's display. There is a lot more to rave about but will not take up any more time. Congrats to everyone on their awards. Hope to see you in Chicago.

Joe and Bill, I have your awards and will mail to you soon.

Thanks fellas. There was a true amount of inspirational work there this year. Now that this meeting of the mutual admiration society is adjorned can we please get back to ragging on eachother ?! ;) :lol:

Next year looks like it will be a quiet show since Expo is a month or so later. We should plan to all attend any way if you're not too far away.
I am glad that my shirts kept you awake for the trip home; I knew that they served a purpose! ;)
Larry and I are looking out and seeing how we can affect timing in order to hit Atlanta and Chicago...I can't tell you how much I learned from the folks there and how much I needed to just hang out and relax with great people!
Good to see you my friend and look forward to keeping in touch...great new releases by the way John...incredible!

All the best,
Rest assure, I'll be there next year (new shirts are on order; what size do you take ;) :lol: ), the Expo on the other hand will be very hard personally to pull off...And, to be honest, I don't think the Expo is ready for a full week of Don Ho shirts :lol:
I do look forward to seeing more of your stuff..simply incredible the way you were able to get the sheen on the sleeves of your bust and blend in the highlights...tremendous piece of art, Lou!

All the best my friend

Dude, there's always room for Don Ho shirts ;) If anything, we should begin a movement to have as many planeteers wear their finest Don Ho's at WE. Look out, Boston!