Hi Taesung,
I feel a bit obliged to do so as the head turned out fine.
Most difficult task.
I love making wrinkles and folds and paying attention to them.
Ed is my first real attempt trying some realism in a face, some time ago I made my Dieter:
The head is from Dogtag ( I'm still very curious who makes them

) and I molded some equipment. The figure is based on a wired frame which I measured carefully.
This is more or less a fantasy figure 1/16. I enjoyed reading Tan's book about this type of soldier and it was a great help ( you may tell him some day

Let's say I am quite happy with Ed's face as far as I can judge without any paint.
Knowing myself, the more acurate his likeness will be after painting, the more I will be striving for an exact copy directly taken from the movie.
It's this relaxed pose, a bit hung over with the rifle down but at the same time realizing his fate.
His nakedness is enhanced by wonderful camerawork and this tremendous glance with his eyes to his left.
A posture like this is my goal though it has become a large scale. His head alone measures 2.6 cm now and I'm not sure about his scale. I did some maths comparing a 1/16 head - k98 and it equals my Ed -K98 ( measuring 11.7 cm)
I look forward sculpting the colar, the cap, the scope.
At this point I consider a buste an option.
But Major Konig should have this nice boots.....