Maori Warrior from DG Artwork


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi everybody ,

Time for me to have a look at a recent release from DG Artwork and have a rumble with the resin or perhaps that should be a "haka" as the subject is one of the famed warriors from the Maori population of New Zealand.

The release was announced here and in Social media

The chosen title is
The powhiri is the ritual ceremony of encounter.
Traditionally the process served to discover whether the visiting party were friend or foe, and so its origins lay partly in military necessity. As the ceremony progressed, and after friendly intent was established, it became a formal welcoming of guests (manuhiri) by the hosts (tangata whenua or home people). As the ceremony progresses also, the tapu or sacredness surrounding manuhiri is removed, and they become one with the tangata whenua.
It begins with the karanga, the high pitched voices of women from both sides, calling to each other to exchange information to begin to establish intent and the purpose of the visit. It is said that the kaikaranga (callers) between them weave a mat laid upon Papatuanuku (Mother Earth) binding the two sides together, and protecting Her from the men who will verbally, and perhaps physically, joust with each other.
In traditional times a wero or challenge was performed by a warrior or warriors, advancing on the manuhiri to look them over and further establish intent. The wero is sometimes performed today, particularly for the most prestigious manuhiri.
The tangata whenua will perform the haka powhiri, a chant and dance of welcome, during which the manuhiri are symbolically drawn onto the marae (sacred courtyard). The chants often use the symbolism of hauling a waka or canoe onto the shore.
Next is the mihi or exchange of greetings by the orators (usually male) from both sides. Oratory is much prized. An expert will display his knowledge of whakapapa (genealogy and history) and mythology, and his mastery of language, rhetoric and dramatic presentation. During whaikorero (speechmaking) links between the ancestors and the living are made, and genealogical links between tangata whenua and manuhiri are emphasised. The kaupapa or purpose of the occasion will be discussed, and perhaps general present day issues and concerns might be aired.
Each speech is followed by the performance of a waiata (song), or sometimes a haka (dance), by the orator's support group. The quality of the performance is a matter of critical concern, and reflects on the orator, and the orator's party.
At the completion of their speeches the manuhiri will present a koha to the tangata whenua. Today it is usually in the form of money, but in the past it would have been food or valued possessions.
Then the manuhiri move across the marae to hongi with the tangata whenua. The hongi is a gentle pressing of noses, and signifies the mingling together of the sacred breath of life, and the two sides become one.
The powhiri concludes with the sharing of kai or food, called hakari. The food removes the tapu or sacredness from the manuhiri, so that the two sides may complete the coming together. As in all cultures the sharing of food also signifies a binding together.

The Maori have a long history and were feared as warriors in the past with many wars being fought amongst them against the British in the Victorian period .

Here's a couple of reference books that you should find of use when painting this bust​
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As a people they have at times in my opinion been very badly treated by many both past and recent history but despite that they are a proud and strong people with the traditions being maintained through the generations through both education and word of mouth by elders who story tell of long past memories .

Both men and women have had particularly in the past and even now face tattoo markings or Moko

Perhaps in modern times the Haka (with the chanting and tongue out being the most recognised part ) is performed by the NZ All Blacks rugby squad to the amazement and delight of the crowd .

For more details on the Maori here are a couple of excellent sites


Here is a good article about skintones

According to Tony's research.....

Never use black when painting the moko's not historically accurate. Moko inks were traditionally very dark green/ brown in colour, and while they can appear black from a distance, they are more dark green than black in reality. According to Tony some of the pigments used to create the tatoo inks were sourced from dog faeces!!!!

Since the release we have seen a couple of versions amongst them by an Australian modeller we all know ...Tony Dawe so a thank you to him for permission to use his pictures .....more on this later .

I would also like to thank fellow modeller Mike "The Kiwi" Butler for his permission to use some of the excellent information he has quoted like this

The designs sides do not need to be symmetrical as they tell different sides of the warrior's Whakapapa - his origins:

"It can also be noted that a person’s ancestry is indicated on each side of the face. The left side is generally the father’s side and the right side the mother’s. Noble or note-worthy descent was a primary requirement before a moko was undertaken."

We have an option of adding or leaving off the flax shoulder covering, which is a type of rain cape, known as a kahu tōī. Kahu toi was a garment worn by warriors made from the fibre of tōī, or mountain cabbage tree, rather than flax. Apart from its value as a rain cloak, the kahu toi could resist a blow from a hand weapon making it also a form of defensive body armour.

Wearing headdress consisting of he large greeny/brown feathers are supposed to be tail feathers from the native New Zealand bird the Kakapo, which vary in colour from bright green to brown. The Kakapo is a flightless, nocturnal ground dwelling bird that was once plentiful across new Zealand, but its population has been devastated by feral cats and it is now endangered.

And some other refereneces for you

Ccntinued in next post


Details of the release:

Title: PoWhiri , Maori Warrior , New Zealand

Reference: DG09B004

Scale: 1/9th

Material: Gray Resin

No of parts: 14

Sculptor: Dae-Hyeong, Kim

Box Art: Dae-Hyeong, Kim

On receiving the release , I was greeted by the box art on the top, and lower edges and one of the ends ...all good references of course , there is also the website pictures to look at as well .

maori 001.jpgmaori 002.jpg maori 003.jpg
As usual the resin was held in between thick foam layers with the smaller parts in bags

On the end there is a slight error in which the reference quotes 75 but fear not this is a 1/9th scale bust !!!

Parts consist of main torso , the cape , 4 feathers , a hair clip , ear decoration , 2 options for the pendent and a pedestal

Also included is a Moko information sheet ( this is available as a PDF download from the website )

maori 017.jpg


Main torso...Sand away 2 small casting remnants from underneath

Cape.... Remove casting plug from underneath and choose if you wish to use this ( this pushes into place )

Remaining pieces...Remove from formers and choose which pendent to use and fit

Base ...Will need pinning with the hole being drilled deeper

There you have it nothing much and all very easy to do .

Lets look at the pieces

Main Torso

Sculpted as a classic bust with just the head and upper body the sculptor has shown a really good knowledge of his craft , great muscle tones and definition on the body itself with the neck muscles straining in conjunction of the facial expression .

Underneath we have a hole to take the pedestal post if you choose to use it

Around the neck we have a cord with a hole ready to take the chosen pendent , the cord is hidden at the back by the hair strands flowing over the area .

maori 011.jpgmaori 010.jpgmaori 009.jpgmaori 008.jpgmaori 007.jpgmaori 006.jpg maori 004.jpgmaori 005.jpg

The hair is pulled up into a bun at the top , excellent definition on the hair texture and the way its being pulled back and upwards, the hair ends both at the top and the neck are naturally shown

maori 014.jpg
What this bust is all about is the facial expression and boy is it expressive ,,,,,totally in keeping with the positioning , eyes wide open , eyebrows raised , a prominent nose shape with good nostril shaping , the mouth is well ...wide open with the tongue itself being out fully and resting on the lower lip ...its so like the pose we see in pictures , good work on the teeth as well .

The eyes are very open and of course care needs to be taken to get these just right

maori 013.jpg
The ears are finely done and good casting as well not being over thick , there are rings at the lower edge.

As the mouth position is like this it really the flesh movement under the chin and sides and of course the neck and shoulder muscles that are very prominent .

maori 012.jpg
The torso is smooth to allow the painting to be in scale for the moko , with shaping of the upper body being well done.

All in all an excellent depiction of the "welcome" pose


This can be used or left off , to fit it goes over the shoulders and is then pushed down " snapping" into place .

The work on the textures are very good each part is well shown both on the surface and under the upper part , around the inside edging we see braiding .

This is a piece to get those washes into and will benefit time spent .

maori 016.jpgmaori 015.jpg

Headdress / Ear decoration / neck pendents

The feathers are a good shape with equally as good surface work , the hair comb is also well styled , positioning might benefit drilling locating holes on the feathers ( refer to pictures for location )

The ear pieces are small so be careful when fitting both are well shown in type .

The pendent is a choice of 2 both traditional one figurative the other a swirl , both are easy to fit in place

maori 025.jpgmaori 024.jpgmaori 022.jpgmaori 023.jpgmaori 019.jpgmaori 018.jpg maori 020.jpgmaori 021.jpg


A simple post type , fitting will need pinning and I would suggest also deepen the hole under the torso a little ...or put it to the spares box and use a brass rod, another idea is you could replace with a piece of wood for the surface texture

Final Thoughts

This is certainly a piece full of character and a challenge to paint , sculpting and presentation is well up to DG Artworks high standard , a choice of parts as well .

What is more important in my opinion is it also highlights the Maori people and is a wonderful tribute to their culture and history and also to those keeping the traditions alive .

Highly recommended

For more information why not visit the website at
email : [email protected]

or PM them via PF .

Thanks to DG Artwork for the review model and for you all looking in


Happy modelling

Amazingly thorough review & support detail provided here Kev.
Congrats on effort you've gone to for this excellent bust.
I hope it encourages others to have a go at this.
For more inspiration check out this Haka from last night's rugby game of NZ Maoris.

Shame actual game performance didn't match passion of this ;-)