Do you have used oils for this figure? i want to know this composition of color this skin tone. i like it.
I am using oil colours for all the bust.
The composition? I can only make you a list of the colours but not the proportions (when I was satisfied with the tone I worked with it...) just because
I can't remember.
Here's to you (most from from Schmincke Mussini):
Flesh tone
Gold ochre (W&N)
Raw sienna
Mars brown (W&N)
Burn sienna
Raw umber
Burnt umber
Indian red (W&N)
Naples yellow dark and light tone
Titanium white
The basic skintone was obtained mixing randomly:
Gold ochre
raw and burnt sienna
raw and burnt umber
indian red
naples yellow dark tone
I hope that this little list could help you.
Bye bye.