Marcellin de MARBOT


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Jul 21, 2005
Turin, Italy
here my latest project, is a portrait of Marcellin de Marbot, this man is well known for his memories.
He worked with many different Marshal as ADC and his memories didn't save practically anybody except Lannes that died in his arms.
Here is represented in the Spanish period with Massena as Chef d’Escadron.
As my usual is a conversion based on Metal Modeles range with same scratch as easily visible on the unpainted picture.

Comments are naturally welcome.

Ivo Preda

Beautiful as always, Ivo. As you say the Metal Modeles are a great starting point and you've taken an already great kit to another level. Thanks for the posting, superb stuff!
Hello Ivo,
Avevo già visto il "mio ritratto"...bello ed accurato come lo sono sempre i tuoi pezzi.
Sarebbe interessante anche come Colonnello comandante del 7°Ussari (nonchè adc di Davout) nel 1814-15. C'è un vecchio numero di Tradition con le foto della sua uniforme e shako.
Ciao e...thanks for my portrait :lol:
Very well done, amazing figure painting and converting, thanks for posting, you made me appettite for reading his Memoiries, any idea where to find this book?

after a long time I entered this post... it gave me a sad feeling... in this period we have lost a great friend as was Marcello Grimaldi... for the planeters Marcellin Marbot...

When I painted this figure it was a joke with him... today is only a memory ...

this renewal my sad for his death...

pardon friends for this words but I (we) have lost a great man...

ciao Ivo
Marbot ADC

Dear Ivo,

As usual, your standard of workmanship is peerless (no comparison). I do have a query on the horse equipment. Would he have used the tiger shabraque? generally, they used the pantherskin (cheetah) shabraque. I generally associate Marshal Murat and his ADC with using the tiger shabraque, and General Lasalle with the modified tiger shabraque.

Rgds Victor
Dear Ivo,

As usual, your standard of workmanship is peerless (no comparison). I do have a query on the horse equipment. Would he have used the tiger shabraque? generally, they used the pantherskin (cheetah) shabraque. I generally associate Marshal Murat and his ADC with using the tiger shabraque, and General Lasalle with the modified tiger shabraque.

Rgds Victor

Victor, there wasn't any rules for that. Only the pocket make the difference.

Leopard or panther skin are both used ( as bear skin) and usually leopard were more common. If you look at my figure I used a non bordered shabraque that wasn't classique.
You cannot make a rule in this field, you can paint panther above a Murat adc or Tiger under others adc.


How true, the pocket dictates.

I also read that the leopardskin shabraque was not real but fabricated.
A bordered tigerskin I presume could also be as easily fabricated if not real. A full tigerskin with hanging paws would presumably be real, not faked and would cost more.

Keep up your fantastic work on the Napoleonic figures. The workmanship and painting is an inspiration to all. Rgds Victor