Hi Roberto,
First I want to congratulate you with you fantastic rendering of Pegaso's Marcoman. In short, this is truly art!
But secondly I'm afraid that Marc is putting you on the wrong leg about the Marcomanni's history.
God knows the Marcomanni, as the Romans called them, were NOT AT ALL a Celtic tribe

!!! They were GERMANS living in the region of nowadays Thüringen and were a sub tribe of the bigger, but loosely formed Suebi tribe. Marc is lucky both the Celts and the Germans can't read his mistake because I'm sure they would tear him apart for this insult! No figure painting anymore after that, I reckon :lol:
So in contradiction to what Marc stated, Vercingetorix was neither a member of the Marcomanni. In fact several decades before the Marcomanni clashed with the Romans, Vercingetorix was a noble of the CELTIC Arverni tribe, who took the lead of the united Celtic uprising in central France, a region now called the "Auvergne" and named after Vercingetorix' Arverni tribe. At last Vercingetorix had to surrender to G.J. Caesar in 52 bC after the siege at Alesia. He was put in chains and led in a triumph in Rome. After that he was promptly executed.
To go further with the Marcomanni's history: they came into collision with the power of Rome in the first decade BC, when the Roman general Drusus attacked them in Germania. It was because of this that the Marcomanni had to leave their home grounds and moved to Bohemen. There they formed more or less the first Germanic state in the early years of the first century under their king Maroboduus, which seemed to have had no hostile intentions towards the Romans. However, the Romans were afraid that Marcomanni's kingdom would attract other Germanic tribes and in that way they were a threat for the empire.
In the year 6 AD Rome decided to once again attack the Marcomanni with 12 legions but under pressure of an uprising in other parts of the Roman empire, the action was cancelled. To relieve the threat of the Marcomanni, a peace treaty was signed between Rome and king Maroboduus.
In the second century AD the Marcomanni formed a coalition with other German tribes and started the so called Marcoman's War with Rome. It costed emperor Marcus Aurelius much effort and time to contain this crisis (remember the opening battle of the movie "Gladiator"). It was his son Commodus who signed after all a new peace treaty with the Marcomanni.
Still, In the following centuries the Marcomanni invaded several time the Roman empire but at last a part of them entered in Roman service as "foederati".
BTW the helmet Pegaso's Marcoman is carying is indeed of Roman origin, it's an Imperial Gallic type which came into use in the late first centry BC and early century AD.
Roberto, I hope I didn't bore you with my text but I think correct historical information is the very base of our hobby.
Marc don't hit me on our club meeting next tuesday , but you know this is my field of interest
Best regards