MARINA PROJECT - Live now 25/10


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Union brigade

Active Member
Nov 10, 2015
It's time to act on Nellos Marina Project. Its has previously been shown but backing starts today.

Just saw on FB that it was fully funded in one hour.No surprise there as it is an awesome Kickstarter.

Couldn’t register ...not quick enough ......great to see such a excellent sculptor and subject matter being successful


I'm slightly confused now. Why have we got one member saying he "fortunately" was able to register but isn't sure whether they're still available, and another saying he was "not quick enough" to register - yet as far as I can tell you can still "back" all of the bundles apart from the two early bird ones?

Forgive my ignorance but I've never participated in a Kickstarter before so am not 100% sure how they actually work. Pledging money up front then maybe getting something eventually has always made me slightly wary of them. Am I right in thinking that anyone who "backs" a bundle by a certain date will get the bundle or bundles they want, provided that a certain total sum has been pledged for the project as a whole (as appears to have already happened here)? And is being a "backer" the same as "registering"?

As for the figures themselves, as others have said it really is a fabulous range with no duds at all among them. The only thing holding me back from taking a punt on one of the bundles is that there is no one bundle whose figures I would buy all of if the figures were available individually instead of as bundles.

This would make it rather expensive to get (for example) the 2 out of 4 figures in the Napoleonic bundle that I could see myself being sufficiently interested in as subjects that I'd actually paint them (especially with a whopping EUR 30 shipping charge on top per bundle) - even though I can appreciate the other 2 in terms of their absolute top quality.

- Steve
I was confused by this process as well. I was thinking of buying the 1/10 British bust to see if I could sculpt some legs onto it, but I would have had to buy both busts.

I don’t want both busts, and I do not understand the logic in forcing a buyer to purchase something they do not want.

I cannot imagine I am alone in this thinking, and I suspect the kickstarter would have been even more successful than it is if buyers were given the opportunity to purchase the figures individually.
I agree with Steve & Rob on comments regarding €30 postage and having to purchase a bundle as opposed to been able to select individual busts or figures. Not only do you have to pay up front (November) but have to wait until April next year for delivery.

whilst I do not doubt the quality of the product the above points have unfortunately made my mind up not to participate.

having said that if the busts and figures were available mainstream at some point in the future then I would consider them.

having said that if the busts and figures were available mainstream at some point in the future then I would consider them.

Same here. Out of the 15 pieces here (counting the 4-figure vignette as 1), there are 8 (possibly 9) that I would be seriously interested in buying and painting were they available to purchase separately.

But I wouldn't "pledge" for the others that I wouldn't normally buy, just to get the ones that I would!

Hopefully at least some of them will eventually get a regular release where you just visit a web site, place an order and a week or two later your postman delivers you a package, without any of this "pledging" malarkey and a 5 month wait.

I reiterate though: Absolute top-drawer figures the lot of them, from a sculptor who I'm a big fan of.

- Steve
Like a lot of you I'm not all that keen on the kickstarter scheme but will gladly pick up certain individual figures if and when they become available. There are some great looking figures in the collection but I can't afford to pay for three when I only want the one in a bundle
Hi Terry here, I think the bundle idea is the wrong way to go they should be independent figures. And why kickstarter? I’m sure Nello would do well releasing them as individuals over a few months. Just release the fingers in the bundle a period at a time and give the customer a chance to pick out the figures you wish to. The results would be the same if not better, and the caster would not be landed with molding 16 or so different subjects.

But hey he hit the target in an hour so he must have been very confident that he could hit the target. By the looks of thing thier could be a lot of disappointed collectors who only want certain figures. Who knows maybe after the kickstart bundles have been delivered he my release them on the open market who knows.

Like some of you the team have favourites which they like but not the bundles. We wish him well with it.


TFB Miniatures Team
I've contacted Nello privately to ask if he has any plans to put any of these on general release via a dealer, and his answer was "at the moment" no and also he won't be selling them direct post-Kickstarter deadline.

With that in mind, it might be time to bite the bullet, hold my nose and go down the Kickstarter route.

So: Anyone in the UK who might be interested in splitting a bundle/bundles with me (75mm only), drop me a private message. If we can agree on who gets which figures, we may be able to work something out.

I'm keeping it UK only, otherwise it gets too complicated with different shipping costs, import duties, exchange rates etc.

- Steve
A lot of stunning figures indeed, but the idea of buying a bunch of unwanted figures to get the few I'd be interested in, doesn't make sense to me.

Me neither Pierre, and it's not a game I'm willing to play. Hence my bundle-splitting suggestion above.

Maybe a secondhand market of unwanted figures will spring up later?

Possibly. And I'm sure there will be some "speculators" buying bundles with an eye on making a profit later by selling them on. Risky though, given the state of the second-hand figures market these days, even for most "limited editions" and "OOP" stuff.

- Steve
If I follow the logic of Kickstarter, the financing of the project allows the artist to be able to pre-finance his project.
Following, if he collects enough funds, he will be able to sell the figurines produced at a higher price.
Participation in the project allows two things, financial funds for the creator, and cheaper figurines for the participant.
Participation in the project allows two things, financial funds for the creator, and cheaper figurines for the participant.

All great in theory. Except that from what I've seen of various KS projects, the figures are never especially cheap!

Certainly not significantly cheaper than the market average, and in some cases more expensive.

- Steve