Masterbox (Ukraine) News


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Really nice action scene!

Would the 1st, 2nd or 17th Hussars have gone into the field wearing the color of uniform shown in the box art or feldgrau? It was my understanding that all Hussar regiments went to war wearing feldgrau. I defer to another member who knows more about the "Deaths Head" Hussars and their field uniforms. Please correct me.

All the best,
I think, thre were all fieldgrey...

"Already ordered with AKO ("Allgemeine Kabinettsordre") from February 14, 1907, and gradually introduced from 1909/1910 onwards, the colorful uniform was first replaced by the field-gray field service uniform (M 1910) on the occasion of the Kaisermanöver in 1913. This completely resembled the peace uniform. The leather and the boots were natural brown, the fur-cover was covered with a cloth-cover, the bandelier and the cartridge were no longer attached to this uniform. "

Looks nice but were there actual cavalry battles as depicted? I thought most cavalry actions involved reconnaissance or some desperate charges against infantry.