matt varnish?


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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2004
Üröm, Budapest

Which one matt varnish do you recomend me or how can I achiave a totaly matt surface?
Because I noticed the vallejo dark color (black, porusssian blue etc) not totaly matt rather little bit satin.

Tanks in advance


Don't know if you can get it in your part of the world, but Testors Clear Flat Finish Laquer in a spray can has always been a winner for me - I use it to give my glossy blended oils a dead flat finish.

Hope this helps,

Tamas, if you're painting in acrylics use the Andrea colours for the problem colours. I can't complain about the results obtained

Stephen Mallia
Tamás, ha ragaszkodsz az akrilhoz, akkor javaslom a Gunze matt lakkját (nekem bevált, de inkább fújásra javaslom) vagy tegyél a Vallejohoz egy kevéske Tamiya Flat Base-t (Jaume Ortiz is így csinálja).
A Testors matt lakkja is nagyon jó, de nálunk - legalábbis Szegeden - elég macerás beszerezni.

I usually put a dorp of tamiya flat base in my colour mix.
A friend of mine recommends marabu flat vernish.I'll give a try today and I'll let you know.
Tamas ,
I use the Andrea black when I need to it dries matt bu waht abut using a matt varnish if you are still having probs, what about othe mixes to make a less harsh black if you need to shade , I have used a Burnt umber and a blue to good effect ....hope this helps .
Regards Kev
I checked Marabu matt varnish.You can achieve a dead flat result but if you want to paint again above it, acrylics don't stick.I used the spray can also but I wasn't happy with the result.Another option is to use polyscale flat base with a very tiny amount of tamiya flat,very well diluted (works perfect).I have tried all the above(except marabu spray can) on a small surface .