maurice correy


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Moz keeps all of his postal receipts so I guess he will chase your order up for you Josephine. I would say that if your order has gone missing he will either replace it or refund you :)
Gordon-I like porridge but the service is not the best!!!
All very good and valid comments Josie, could not agree more with what you have said, I had exactly the same problems, when you do not receive goods and you do not receive replies to queries, alarm bells ring.
I also believe that some of the comments aimed at you are out of order, as you say not everybody can afford (or see the necessity to have a huge so called grey army, what is that all about? ) a back up figure.
I also believe some of the regular people on here need to take a look at themselves and the way they conduct themselves in here towards others, it can appear very cliquey ( I think "closed shop" is an expression that has been used recently) and as for the pithy,childish and unhelpful comments how do you think they have helped someone new to this site and maybe to modelling? Its not big, its not clever, and it certainly is not helpful.
I must also add I think it is the few rather than the majority that have this attitude the rest I thank you for the ability to look at your high skill levels in this genre of modelling.
Lastly I have to say that when my figures eventually arrived , 6 weeks and numerous attempt to contact Maurice ( 8 days after being invoiced) and a additional 8 days to receive the missing parts, they are truelly excellant.

I think we all need to lean back :coffee: and take a look at this thread in a critical eye. There are NOT two factions contesting in this, just the people who have experienced Moz's excellent sculpting and know him in person for the excellent guy they say he is, and those who are willing to place their trust and have queries or the odd mishap.

David, having said this, I am also a relatively new member here and to tell you the truth, I find that all members (including the people posting in this thread) are all very forthcoming in assisting others and offering their advice, as well as making others feel welcome. And for this I thank them because I am one of the vere few figure modellers living in Cyprus and it can get lonely or boring if you don't have someone to share your hobby and exchange views.

It is by no means a "Closed Shop" but rather a very large family and like any family there may be small squabbles (at least I would like to think of this as one) and that's it.:)
i have no doubt the kit will be excellent and i wouldn't be so panicked if it wasn't a birthday gift, but my husband is new to figure modelling and is thinking of giving it up because of this. as i have stated i would not mind the kit taking weeks if i am informed of the fact. quite the opposite is true. i was told the kit was on it's way and would be with me at the latest by the 3rd july. this has not happened and my e-mails have been ignored. how am i supposed to feel? thank you dapple you have restored my faith in this site, i thought i was being quite polite but obviously i wasn't (according to some people) if you cannot be nice to someone perhaps you should just refrain from commenting as you may be putting off new modellers. this hobby needs to grow and sellers like maurice correy do nothing to keep the younger generation interested.
Don't lose heart Josephine we're a friendly bunch really.
I'm pretty sure that your husband will be more than happy with his figure.
As the saying goes, good things come to those who wait.;)
Moz keeps all of his postal receipts so I guess he will chase your order up for you Josephine. I would say that if your order has gone missing he will either replace it or refund you :)
Gordon-I like porridge but the service is not the best!!!
So Diamond Cutter you finally did it.... its took nearly a year since I spoke to you at Euromilitaire threatening a quick beating to death of the aforementioned Moz....He's not been cast into a large resin block has he? Are you useing him as a coffee table now? Or are you painting a suspiciously lifesize Waterloo Lifeguard as we speak
Gee I'm sorry you've had such a bad experience Josephine, not just with getting the figure you want, but on this forum as well.
I have no experience at all with Maurice Correy so I can't help you there, but what you describe does sound very frustrating.
I'd like to assure you that dispite the awfully rude response you got to a simple enquiry you have come to right place for advice on figure modelling.
Unfortunately some of the most experienced figure modellers also suffer from cranky old fart syndrome. It's something that increases imperceptibly with every figure completed. They never tell you about that in the tutorials.
Josephine we all get on like a house on fire here

And if you've ever been in a burning house you'll know just what I mean ;)

Keep smiling and get your hubby to post his stuff on here when it's done (y)

Hi Kev
As you know having ordered almost if not all of Moz's figures that even with a delay he comes through and they are well worth the wait.
He is also alive and remains one of my best mates!!!
The only ones who have suggested that PF is a 'closed shop' are the ones here who seem to have no soh-(IMO)
There seems to be a lot of that
Hi Kev
As you know having ordered almost if not all of Moz's figures that even with a delay he comes through and they are well worth the wait.
He is also alive and remains one of my best mates!!!
The only ones who have suggested that PF is a 'closed shop' are the ones here who seem to have no soh-(IMO)
There seems to be a lot of that
Yours aint bad either mate, Love the new bust you did for Gordon in fact all the stuff you did for Gordon, between you and Moz I think you've stitched up my readys for the forseable ...Hope to see you both this year at Euro...and like my old Dad told me "If you can't take a joke you shouldn't have joined"(ex Sergeant Grenadier old Dad, not me!!!!) all the best and say hello to Moz for me....Gibbo
I stand by my concern that picking on one manufacturer is patently unfair and by my earlier comment on the other string that there should be a generic section for people to comment on all manufacturers' services and products. I see no other string-specific criticism of other dealers or manufacturers and lots of people piling on Moz. I continue to believe that that is patently unfair. I love Moz's product and would hate to see him throw up his hands and leave the hobby. I also think that trying to "name and shame" should be saved for frauds and pirates.

Josephine - I am sorry if you think I was rude. There was no intent to be so. However, if you go back and look at the other string, you will see the history on this. I probably reacted to your accusation that he was "ignoring" your emails and, if you had stated that the kits were a time sensitive gift, I might not have jumped in the same way.

Anyway, you will find this site to be supportive and welcoming with few spats and flame wars. That is a generalization that can be made.

Josephine, I think you got caught up in something by accident and nothing was aimed directly at you. This thread was started a couple of months ago and at that time Mos got a lot of stick. Maybe some of it was justified but he replied to peoples complaints and made amends by giving away vouchers. At the time I asked the moderators to close the thread because it was getting out of hand. I requested a specific thread for people to make complaints about manufacturers and suppliers but this had to be strictly monitored so that it did not become an attack thread. Unfortunately this did not happen. Now quite rightly you have raised a genuine personal issue to which you are entitled to an answer. I think what has happened is that some of the regular members here who know Mos thought this was another new member bashing session and jumped to his defense. I have not been on here long but please trust me when I say they are a good bunch and will help anyway they can and that shows in the way they are showing loyalty to Moz.
Very pleased that at last someone with patience has come forward and admitted to waiting and receiving his required figure, well done that man!
Been buying figures from Maurice for a few years and never once been let down in fact it has been the other way round this time. Months ago I asked if he had the bust of the British Soldier in Northern Ireland and he told me he had. I wanted it to take to a meeting and show the boys so Moz sent it to me, arriving very quickly. Saturday I took it to our meeting(more of a lads get together) but during the night I took ill again and most things just go out of my mind. Starting to get better last week I suddenly remembered I had the figure but not paid for it, my wife sent a cheque that day. My point is that Moz knew I would pay him even if he waited till Euro but did he complain, NO. Did he send an email every 20 minutes, NO. Did he demand money or send the boys round, NO. By now he should have his money and I will send an email to explain and apologise.
He is a sole trader working on his on, designing, casting, packing and posting, not an easy job and as he is very good at it he gets more orders( more orders mean more work) its the original Catch 22 and he cant ever catch up.
Give the chap a break, dont email him every 40 minutes and let him get on with his work and you will get your figure. Presently with a free figure of equal quality and even sometimes with a voucher to appologise. How many manufacturers do that.
Maurice, a class act!
