Pedro ... I use the Airbrush to put colour on the larger areas like the bonesack, then use hair brushes to add folds and definition
Tony ... Thanks mate! and Maurice is a master at fabrics, those little puckers and folds are all there in the sculpt.. Luverly!
Les ... I'm waiting on a set of castings of the 82nd guy ... I don't imagine we will be disappointed

And thank you!
Andy ... Many thanks

the water bottle cover had some texture on it, I added some more with a bit of AV Acrylic Filler mixed with some black paint and then stippled the 3 colours I used for the cover ... Basically GW Graveyard Earth with AV Black to shade and AV Light Flesh to highlight
Details details!!
I painted the cup of the water bottle and the grenade head with GW Chainmail and then shaded it with several washes of GW Chaos Black ... Allowed to dry I then applied Maskol with a scrap of pan scrubber to get a nice sharp edged look to the masking.
Both were then painted and shaded as normal with a second layer of Maskol on the grenade before hand painting some stencilling onto it ...
Blutac rubbed over it removed the maskol and I did a bit of tweaking and such...
I know the grenade is probably a bit over done but looking at Bundesarchive photographs they seem to have been quite battered and worn ( I'm assuming soldiers would acquire " lucky " items and such, hanging on to certain pieces of kit and equipment ??? )
Anyway just a dot of filler to add into the pocket and this area is finished mostly
I spent some time on the helmet cover and sharpened that up a bit, much happier with it. Does the foliage strap look a different enough colour? The chest eagle is not finished but that detail is the casting !
More later ....