My suggestion is that you practice painting eyes. The eyes are so important to creating a well painted and realistic looking face, and to be honest, the eyes on this figure aren't even in size and the right eye in particular looks rather messy and "blobby".
My suggestion is you start by painting the "whites" of the eyes in an off-white colour, rather than white. This will allow you to add a white highlight to the top of the eyeball later.
To get the pupil right does take practice and you should observe your own eyes in the mirror for reference. To get both pupils the same size, my technique is to paint a dark colour (brown or black) straight down through the middle of the eye with a 0 size brush. A handy tip is to paint the figure's right eye first, which will be on your left as you look at him. This is harder to paint if you are right handed because you have to paint around the nose. Once you've done the right eye, you can paint the dark line through the left eye and ensure they are the same thickness and are staring in the same direction.
Then all you do is paint the eyelids in with your flesh colour to define the shape of the eye and close it up. It's hard to explain without showing images, but there are any number of painting books that can show you how to do this.
The cheapest and easiest way to learn is to observe your own eyes in a mirror or a photo and pay close attention to the shape of the eyelids and the shape and size of the pupils.
It may take a few attempts to get it right, but I think you'll find it delivers much more satisfying results when you can look at the figures' eyes and see them looking back at you.
Good luck.