A Fixture
Hi All,
I thought I would share with you MD-45 the hospital scene from Hidalgo Miniatures. Received this a few days ago from my good mate Jose, but only just found time to open up the box.
A really nice scene with lots of potential for expansion and changes to make it your own if your that way inclined.
All metal figures as usaual with minimal clean up needed. The hospital facade is in resin except for the roof which is also in metal. The roof in my opinion could have been castquite easily in resin but thats Jose choice.
Nice too see the wounded figure supplied for the initial orders. I told Jose a while back to convert his Riff war figure into this figure and so glad he done a figure in the same vane for this scene. Kudos mi amigo.
People have asked me in the past if my figures are compitable with Hidalgo figures and I can assure you they are. I have added some of my figures next too Jose's for comparison.
In conclusion another super piece of artwork from Jose, I really think he's getting the hang of this 1879 stuff. Must be rubbing off on him some more.
Probably Jose's most favourite period and you can tell. Without a shadow of a doubt I would recommend this kit.
I thought I would share with you MD-45 the hospital scene from Hidalgo Miniatures. Received this a few days ago from my good mate Jose, but only just found time to open up the box.
A really nice scene with lots of potential for expansion and changes to make it your own if your that way inclined.
All metal figures as usaual with minimal clean up needed. The hospital facade is in resin except for the roof which is also in metal. The roof in my opinion could have been castquite easily in resin but thats Jose choice.
Nice too see the wounded figure supplied for the initial orders. I told Jose a while back to convert his Riff war figure into this figure and so glad he done a figure in the same vane for this scene. Kudos mi amigo.
People have asked me in the past if my figures are compitable with Hidalgo figures and I can assure you they are. I have added some of my figures next too Jose's for comparison.
In conclusion another super piece of artwork from Jose, I really think he's getting the hang of this 1879 stuff. Must be rubbing off on him some more.
Probably Jose's most favourite period and you can tell. Without a shadow of a doubt I would recommend this kit.