Hi to all
We are lucky in that we are seeing companies announcing releases here on Planet Figure , many new ones and from Russia , all of which are producing high quality products .
A new company to the market is:
Who are they ...well they are a member of PF firstly and supporting our feature FOTM which I thank them for , based as I said in Russia , my contact is a guy called Vasily .
The name Himini comes from breaking down Historical Minaitures to HiMini ...or as Vasily's daughter says it " Hi Mini" as in Hello ....LOL
The slogan "A POSSE AS ESSE" = old latin meaning "From possibility to actuality" ...in otherwords from an idea to what we are seeing .
Vasily has been very helpful in sending me much of the references they used in the piece we are looking at , this was announced by him here:
The sculpt is based on a rich nomad from the steppes of the Northern Black Sea and the Azov region in the early 13th century
One thing to note is that the modern perception of horses in this area and period is that they were more modern day pony size with the majority being less than 140cm at the withers.
Lets have the references now:

Living History pictures:
Here are a couple of good books on Medieval Russia

Continued in next post
We are lucky in that we are seeing companies announcing releases here on Planet Figure , many new ones and from Russia , all of which are producing high quality products .
A new company to the market is:
Who are they ...well they are a member of PF firstly and supporting our feature FOTM which I thank them for , based as I said in Russia , my contact is a guy called Vasily .
The name Himini comes from breaking down Historical Minaitures to HiMini ...or as Vasily's daughter says it " Hi Mini" as in Hello ....LOL
The slogan "A POSSE AS ESSE" = old latin meaning "From possibility to actuality" ...in otherwords from an idea to what we are seeing .
Vasily has been very helpful in sending me much of the references they used in the piece we are looking at , this was announced by him here:

The sculpt is based on a rich nomad from the steppes of the Northern Black Sea and the Azov region in the early 13th century
One thing to note is that the modern perception of horses in this area and period is that they were more modern day pony size with the majority being less than 140cm at the withers.
Lets have the references now:

Living History pictures:

Here are a couple of good books on Medieval Russia

Continued in next post