Thanks for sharing, Mike. You always choose unusual subject matter for your figures and vignettes, which I appreciate seeing. I do, however, wish you did more sculpting for commercial release!
Mike has sent me some follow-up photographs of his projects. I am sure Mike will answer any questions we may have. Here is the email I got from Mike in regards to the photos.
Hi my friends
Here at last are some in-progress photos of my latest work. The figures are about 75% finished. These dudes will be in my display in Atlanta. The mounted figures are king Charles XII and a kettledrummer... I am painting their horses right now...
If you have any questions, just fire away!
Not only is Mike a master at scuplting, but also at capturing a period look to his faces. Some sculptors who produce amazing faces (and I'm not a scupltor so I'm awe of any sculptor) produce the same face not Mike. I can't wait to see these finished.
absolutely unbelievable in every way...Mike, the emotions you have seemed to sculpt and paint into these perfect little fellows is both captivating and enthralling...they are a pleasure to behold..and I really look forward to seeing them in their final settings.
Hi Andy!
Glad you like the figures!
As for the officer drawing his sword, he is about to draw his sword (hence the clawlike fingers!), I wanted to freeze the moment when he is reaching for his sword (the figure is in a alert and anticipating pose), before he actually grips it. I thought it would be more dramatic to show this pose rather than the more common pose of a figure gripping his sword, drawing it.
Soon you will see it here complete and finished!
Stopping by a few moons to late. But i really like it. I cannot sculpt but when i see this i think the most beautifull figures gotta be sculpt by ourself.
They are more lifelike, then figure's bought from companies. But they show the last years more figure's with action.
And i think it is thanks to you and Bill.
Excellent Mike, simply awesome. Can't wait to see this in Atlanta.
What has always intrigued me the most about your work is your ability to use light...I am eager to hear how you achieve your balance, too.