Review Victor Barré - Dragoon Timpanist from MIKE BLANK PRODUCTIONS


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi all

Following on from Mike Blanks request I post regarding this as here

This is the first of a series of releases ...with " in Mikes words " ...some interesting subjects ......

The first depicts a young fellow called Victor Barré the majority of the documents shows black and older subjects ... except that the kettledrummers listed in the dragoons of the Imperial Guard were young and white

- François Nicolas Jacquemin, born in 1792; timpanist to the dragons of the Guard in 1806 (so at 14 years old); 1,45m, blue eyes and chestnut hair. leaves his functions in 1810, became trumpet brigadier.

- Victor Barré, born in 1793; timpanist to the dragoons of the Guard in 1810 (17 years old); unconfirmed height, brown eyes and chestnut hair.

The timpanist is ofcourse so very napoleonic , flamboyant, rich colours , gold lace , amazing drum banners , many Regts had them on the strength , just for interest here's a few ( click on for larger images )

IMG_1288.JPG IMG_1289.JPG IMG_1304.JPG IMG_1303.JPG IMG_1301.JPG IMG_1295.JPG IMG_1305.JPG IMG_1306.JPG

PF member IVO PREDO chose to do a full version of Francois as here :

IMG_1325.JPG (click on for larger image)

Close up of Ivo's drum banner



Books are of course readily available on the cavalry of the Imperial Gd here are a few to look out

IMG_1291.JPG IMG_1292.JPG IMG_1294.JPG IMG_1293.JPG51KWNqkA7cL._SX369_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg

Details of the release

Title: Victor Barré Timpanist Dragoon Imperial Gd

Scale: 1/16th

Material: Lt gray resin

No of pieces :5

Designed and sculpted by : Mike Blank

Painted version : Mike Blank

Technical and Historical assistance from : Patrick Hurtig and Ivo Predo

Casting : YS Masterpieces from Athens


The resin was held in a "slick and elegant and not prentious" black 2 piece box ( see Mike I said I would get that in ....LOL) , on opening up we find the resin surrounded by bubble wrap, my review was signed by Mike which is a nice Mike told me he wanted simplicity and slickness so this box was his choice


There are as above 5 pieces , the main figure, sword, plume, drumsticks, drum, no base is included
Not sure if its viable to have a small photo of the painted piece included as there is no actual box art, perhaps a thought for future releases



Being a respected modeller himself Mike is well aware we all want to get the brushes out so it was important that he kept any prep minimal choosing YS to cast was a good decision

Main Figure

Sand away small excess on under boot, 4 tiny posts under lower edge of trousers and 6 ,under lower edge of over garment , and one under right elbow'fine casting line down rear , slight clean up where sword will position


Small mount of sanding on edges


Remove tiny flashing and small casting excess on the 3 lower plumes and fit


Remove from former and flashing and fit


Quick sanding on underneath and lower edging (Don't forget to think about what base/presentation your going to use)

Continued in next post

Let us "Resin Rumble"

Main figure

Standing proud and with bags of character , arms folded strongly across the low/middle chest , wearing the turban and gauntlets (the right having location for the hand

The clothing is heavily influenced by mameluke items consisting of very full trousers known as saroual, the long overcoat or yalek , inner shirt or beniche, topped off by a turban around a cahouk

Now I am sure there are many that have enjoyed Mike's sculpting with other companies releases in smaller scales , this is the first in 1/16th and overall is 100mm in height, which will please many .

The sculpting of the folds on the trousers is very naturally worked , movement on the lower material adding to the look of the material moving around , the footwear is a nice shaping and looks very well researched in style

Moving up we come to a barrel sash with the sections nicely defined adding interest in the centre, peeking out on the lower edge is the edging for the undershirt

Arms are folded wearing gauntlets , the left being sculpted in underneath the right arm , good creases and folds on both gauntlets and at the elbow as well , on the left elbow a cutout to aid the fitment of the drum sticks/hand

The yalek is a long version hanging down to just above the knee , the arms hold it in place with a area to position the sword

Both the yalek and the beniche have laced edging , sharp in definition , at the yalek rear there is also lacework

The head is a cracker , young Victor is cheeky and has a slight smirk on the face , all facial work looks good , on the ears we have a rounded earring , the hair is shown well with curls peeking out from under the turban

The turban is showing good folds with the material sitting naturally on and around the cahook , at the front there is a locating cutout for the plume

Click on pictures for larger images





As seen in many references the mameluke style of sword was often used , adding to the overall look , sculpted in a scabbard the shaping is good with the hanging rings cast on with the cord , fit is no issue into the well worked cutout on the main figure



Very good representation of the crowning glory ...the 4 plumes , one upright , the other 3 spread out hanging over , the position of the individual ones are very natural

Fit is easy enough but to be safe I would suggest pinning is best


Drum Sticks

These are both held in the left hand which is actually sculpted holding them , avoiding any build issues , again good in shape and the hand is sculpted accurately , fit is simple enough but be careful removing the flashing and again I would say pin it !!!



Really good idea to have this as its sculpted with the inside being opened up when we look under , standing upright the banner wrapped round slightly open at the back , tied in one place to the drum edging and together at the rear , sitting at a slight angle , the lower edging sits away and on what will be the base

The banner itself has scalloped edging top and lower edges , with a wonderful wreath surrounding a heraldic style shield , in the centre of which is the eagle



Final thoughts

This is a fine first release from Mike and MB Productions , well sculpted ( well its is what he is known for !!! ) , full of character and acolourful subject as well , no issues as such with casting , minimal prep , great period of history as well


.....and this is the first of a series.........look forward to seeing what the next subject will be , sure Mike might welcome suggestions

Thanks to MB Productions for the review model

Hope you all enjoyed the review

To purchase the figure contact Mike at [email protected]



Happy benchtime

Dear Kevin

Many thanks for your review, always good and very healthy to have someone else take a good look at your work, to examanie it and to comment on it.
And I will always be willing to listen to ideas and suggestions of improvement. Would you guys like a box art photo to be included? Instructions and information? And I do have some nice, interesting and unusual subjects to come... !;):)

Have a great sunday!

Very Nice

There have been some pretty Good Mounted ones as well.
The Greys Now RSDG,

Most famous even today is the Mounted Band Band Household Cavalry , Ceremonial State Rig, and Life Guards /Blues and Royals. Same two Drummers ( with others in waiting) and same two Horses..

I have the Britains Mounted Bands in State dress.
How about Ceremonwal Drum Drum a TYNPANIST in 1/10 Resin! Napoleonic if you will.

Sadly few British Cavalry Regiments remain and all had mounted Band at one time, their Drum Horses lasted on the , longer.
The Drum Banners also included "Regiment Colours". 1922 saw the first amalgamation. My Soft spot is the 17/21st DCO!
All Lancers now vanished into "The Royal Lancers". Uniform now a hotchpotch. Only seen on the Ceremonial Gate Guard.
Cracking stuff!
Two on the left, in my logo, are Royal Wagon Train and Army Service Corps in cold cast bronze 240cm high. Plus Plume!
by Peter Hicks.
You should see our Regimental Silver Statuettes at Dinner setting in Our Mess on occasion. Same sort of scale. Makers over the years Goldsmiths and Silver Smiths.

You have the same skills!

I recall Richard Almond, qualified that way and then went into 90mm Metal figures initially with Jame Barton.I watch him at work.. Sadly he died all to young. He would have become even better. He left behind many imposing figure even better.
Resin is so good now in the hands of today's masters.

Unpainted metals show the real engraving. Once you paint it .. it is you task not to shame the sculptor. He is looking over your shoulder! A master artist puts us in our place.
If in doubt, keep it simple,
Faces .. look in the mirror!
Hello, everyone,

I've had Mike's kit in my shop since this week.

Just stop by. Of course you can also wait until I visit the scale model factory in Eindhoven on April 9th, 2022. You can find me under Frank miniatures.

If anyone has any questions about Mike's character, please pm.

Something else on my own behalf at World Expo 2022 I present a new vignette modeled by Mike Blank. A scene with four figures.I wish you all a great weekend

Greetings Frank
Got it yesterday, we discussed it last night at our NDMS.
Nicely and neatly packed.
Fast despatch form SK!

YES please, a boxed photo within be a welcome finishing touch. It was or comment,

Your review Nap is brilliant for all PFers.

Scale 100mm just Add a bit for the headgear!
Very nice figurine, Mike,

I got it from Frank Miniatures last week. Very good cast. I also would like to see this one mounted in 90 or 120mm. I would be the first to buy it.... :happy:

I'm still searching for another timpanist:

F.M Fonderie Miniature - France Metallizing:

Mounted Timbalier des Mameluks - Kettledrummer Mamelukes 120 or 90mm

I think this one was produced from F.M in the year 2000 or 2001

I have a mint FM Mounted 90mm Cuirassier Trumpeter, 1erEmpire ref 4960.
According to the 1997 AU 01 Mars 1997Kit Resine 90mm 4 950 504958. This was 4960 this probably a tad later in 1997.
The priced at 370 Francs (Euro in 2001? Alexa)

For sale, offer plus postage!

FM 120mm Range are METAL, 1 201 to 1212 on same list .
Mounted figures then priced @ 220 Franc.
List as Resin 1997.

Mameluke Resin 16eme siecle 90mm 4950 @ 370 Fr
Mameluke 1er Empire 120mm Metal 1 209 @ 220Fr FOOT.
A Napoleon 120mm Metal was 490 Fr (mounted?) weight stuff! Foot figures @

PM and I can email the lists I have

Nice Box art judging by the one I have shows uniforms of 1 Blue,5 Red and 9 Yellow Cuirassiers.
Jackets of Trompeters!

All parts sealed in original bags in box just opened!

Other figures after 1997. Variety of subjects!

Any use? Bed for me!
Sorry Nap, It was the info of general interest that got me going! Other Tympanists are few and far between it seems. It is the first time I have really looked at it. I had another not on the list which I sold to a keen member of our club a while back, the American Civil War. That's all I have ever seen. not being a resin fan the!