A Fixture
Can only echo what the other guys have said inspiring stuff, looking forward to seeing more!
Can only echo what the other guys have said inspiring stuff, looking forward to seeing more!
Hi Mike,
Crikey mate, you are raising the bar to poll vault standard and I'm still trying to get under the limbo pole.I'm going back to colouring books and crayons. Outstanding brush work.
I'm off to the shop for
some crayons
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Mike can only add to what the others have said hyper realistic top notch painting
Much respect to you, very difficult to get those kind of transparent glazes without paint build up, especially at large scale and high magnifications. I`m really curious as the paints your working with ?
What can I say Mike that hasn't been said already ......... in truth your work is a bit disturbing
Highly impressed
I am sure next time i see you , you will be cross eyed !
Don't know how you manage to get so much detail into your figures . I have trouble just painting eyes on a 54mm ! Amazing .
Can only echo what the other guys have said inspiring stuff, looking forward to seeing more!
Cheers Neil
Mike ,
Absolutely blooming awesome flesh work ......photographic ...almost can talk ...truly depicts what this brave soldier must have been thinking and gone through .
Total respect for your work
As I've said before, you have an exceptional talent at bringing together both the hyper detail and realism of a large scale sculpt like this, which can withstand close up scrutiny at high magnification, but which also looks stunningly realistic when viewed from 6 feet away. I know how hard it is to paint these large scale busts and to capture all the details and do justice to the outstanding quality of the sculpt, but I think you're in a class of your own when it comes to the details, the textures and the weathering of these Naked Army pieces. Just stunning painting mate and truly inspirational. I can't wait to see the next pics.
Brilliant skin tones Mike , really looking forward to seeing him complete ,
Paint work is superb as all have said but would also like to commend the sculptor.........Wayne
Mike brilliant work mate, your desk looks similar to mine, My Nan had a lewis gun magazine for years and we used to play about with it when we were kids, apparently my grandad was 15 when he enlisted and he was standing sentry duty with a Lewis gun on a trench one night, a German soldier from a snatch squad appeared through the gloom over the top of the trench and my grandad was so scared he emptied the whole magazine from the Lewis gun in his direction, it was the only thing he ever said about the war
Good on ya Nap!Mike , Thanks so much for the information on such a brave man and what a subject to base your amazing work on ...n
It is truly art in every respect .
I have the colour mixes books ..real good find
Looking forward to seeing more