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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2006
Is there a trick to speed up the drying time of milliput? Can I put it in low temp in the owen like I usually do with Magic sculp?

Regards Lars

Sent by tapatac
Put it under a desk lamp fitted with a 60watt incandescent bulb for about 10 minutes, have the bulb about 5-6 inches above the work and do not leave under too long or it will scorch, too close to the putty and it will melt slightly and dis form your work.
I have a block of wood on which I place a ceramic tile, my work is placed onto the tile and a lamp placed above, I use an egg timer to remind me to switch off lamp so I dont get distracted and burn the work.
Dont try this with Duro(greenstuff) though, it melts and bubbles into a mess.

I couldn't sculpt without a light. It's not the sculpting but I have 2-3 54mm figs balanced on the light all the tine. I spend 10 hours a day and if not for the quick drying of the light I would be up a creek.
Milliput is good if you want to sand, just be aware of air pockets underneath if speed drying as it may bubble, easily repaired though.
Martins tip of freezer is spot on, Pete Morton told me that also
One other thing, if you use it for the length of time we use, keep washing your hands. The oils from your skin can build on the surface, then when you try to dry the next layer the oils will expand and weaken the join. That's one of the reasons a vulcanised figure tends to break up.
If you want a really strong joint on something, push some fresh mixed miliput into a superglued joint.
