Originally posted by Alan@Nov 21 2005, 03:58 AM
The whole concept behind Bob Cotrells "Minie Ball" range is basically to provide parts for conversion , and to give some of the bits and pieces that are hard to find ( if they exist ).
To that end, he has the Quail, A cat, The Eagle finial mentioned before about 6 different types of carbine, Different Muskets and rifles, Saddle as a seperate piece ( Actually 5 pieces which will alow it to be adapted to fit many different horses from several companies ) , some different sets of legs and bodies and quite a few different heads ( including a few personalities that you don't see done by others)etc......individually all researched and referenced ( for example ,the numbers of each type of carbines delivered during the war .....when they were commissioned , when delivered etc)
The Figures Bob is releasing are a way of showing some of the possabilities that his range give. If some find that insulting to the intellgence then I tend to think we all may as well give up .
I was hoping that Bob Cotrell would come and answer the "questions" and the usual assumptions that have appeared as assertions of fact in this thread ,after all, these are his figures and this is his range , not mine , I just happen to be the person he asked to make some of the pieces .......................... but as he hasn't so far , so here are a few personal comments on them from me .
In this case, the legs used are the same as those on the 3rd NJ , In fact the whole figure is made from the spare parts etc...including the Mosby head.
The whole thing painted by Doug Cohen.
If Mosby wore that type of jacket on a day when he had a beard I have no idea , as I didn't know that this was to be a kit ...................could he have worn it , of course, if he ever stood in that pose on a piece of ground that looked like that , wore boots like that , well to be honest , I also have no idea .
But then again , I don't have a serious problem with a "Could have worn" approach if there is little hard evidence to go with ( two studio posed Photo's of Mosby over the period of the war is hardly conclusive proof of his daily attire over the period ............or how often and well he shaved ).
Looking At those two pictures, what can we say for certain about Mosby .........at least one time during ther war, he took off one jacket and put on another ( trousers and boots etc, we can't tell) .....at least one time in the war, he put on a hat and at some point in the war ( for at least a period) he didn't shave properly.
Apart from those bits obvious from the Photographs , duting the whole period of the war are we to assume that he was like a character in a Sit-com...never changing clothes , so he is "recognisable" as that character.............like Bart or Homer Simson , never change hairstyle like Marge ?
Wore the same clothes very day...all day ....slept in them etc .
That I find insulting to my intelligence I am afraid. This was real life ...not a Sit-com, and if I look in my wardrobe , I find that I have ( surprisingly) more than one set of clothing , going out on a limb here, but I am willing to guess that most people do too.
I remember a certain "Rogers Rangers " figure ( actually supposed to represent Rogers himself) which although a very nice figure in itself and well done , and one I would buy if it available........... gave me serious misgivings as regards the clothing and even the look of the guy ( compared to contemporary descriptions ).............so I am 100% sure that a "Could have worn" approach is acceptable to more people than would care to admit it ( for some reason, as it's perfectly logical ).
Anyway sorry to interrupt ............continue ripping apart at your leisure .