Miniart 1/16 French Dragoon


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Morning Peter

Its been some time since we had a horse, looks good too, and shoe polish!

Looks like the weather is breaking, so the paints should flow better.

Have a good day with the horse and rider


Steve H
W - Thank you. There may be a few inadvertent uniform anomalies, but I'm sure you'll forgive me.

Steve - It was much cooler here yesterday and we have thunderstorms this morning - blissful! I painted the saddle last night, so now there is just the valise and reigns to do and the horse is finished. Really having fun with this one.
The saddle:

100_0539.JPG100_0540 (2).JPG
The hoss is finished:


The latest session included the painting of the valise and cape roll, adding the various reigns and halter (made from paper) and finally painting and temporarily attaching the stirrups. The finish on a lot of the parts is pretty basic, and I found it hard to get as clean a finish as I would have liked in places.
Morning Peter

Superb finish on the horse, well done

Looks like a great part 1, of the build, and the weather has broken too.

No rain up't North yet, but cooler thankfully!

Now some colour and the Dragoon

Have fun and enjoy the better temperature


Steve H
Warren - Thanks. The finish of the sculpt could be a little better, but construction wise this was fairly straightforward. Good to do a bit of 'modelling' once in a while.

Steve - Glad you like him. On to the figure today and more green and pink. Rain and thunderstorms with a flood warning here, which is still blissful after the heat. Have a good Sunday.
Peter - that's a beautifully-painted horse, & the different colours of the furniture really make it pop. Interesting about your use of brown boot polish & a great result with it; I imagine because most boot polish has some alcohol content, some of its characteristics when used in this way can be very similar to working with acrylics - how was your experience in applying it?
Glad you approve Chris - thank you.

I normally use antiquing wax for horses, as it tends to stay in the crevasses and really pulls out the details. However, the brand I have at the moment attacks the paint, taking it off the surface, even after a coat of varnish, I presume because it contains some kind of strong solvent. I therefore resorted to the Cherry Blossom, which I put on with a flat brush and buffed with a soft cloth. As I mentioned, the result was a bit too shiny, so I rubbed certain areas over with cotton wool dipped in white spirit, and that dulled it down sufficiently.
The pilot's head:


There were fifteen separate parts for the head, which is overkill in my book. As before, the detail on some of the smaller parts could have been better, but I'm beginning to think of this as a 'sum of the whole' figure, and am trying not to get too worried about the niggly bits. The chin straps stood too far away from the face, leaving a wide gap, so I decided to fill it by adding to the side whiskers with Milliput. Ho, hum.
I like what you've achieved with the horse Peter.
The dragoon's head looks excellent considering the 'Frankenstein' construction.

Hi Peter, I'd been looking just recently at the MiniArt range of Napoleonic subjects as a possibility for a foray away from my previous 54mm Historex noodlings, the photos and your work in progress on this are very much appreciated and admired here, so watching with great interest and quite tempting me to have a bash at one in the not-too-distant future. Mark
Hi Mark - The four Miniart mounted figures are good, but I would avoid the grenadiers - too many parts for the simple items and quite a poor fit. The Roman and Greek figures are also worth looking at. Glad you like how this one is coming along.
Excellent painting once again Peter, you certainly know how to make These Mini-Art figures it mate bravo !!!
Morning Peter

Great progress with another well painted head and more sculpting too.

Still no rain up here, but cooler, thankfully!

Its been busy since ""Freedom Day"" stocking up on DIY for the inevitable Autumn/Winter lockdown.

This has impacted on bench time severely!

We are even going out to a garden party this week, quite an adventure for Anna after all the lockdown.

Enjoy painting the driver, the palette looks interesting with the pink collar.


Steve H
Pete - Thanks very much. Greatly appreciate your encouraging words.

Steve - Morning. Glad you an Anna are getting out and about - make the most of it! Making a start on the figure today and time to see is all of the filling and sanding has paid off. Also intend to make a few painting adjustments to the horse - getting obsessional.........