Miniature painting service


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New Member
May 7, 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Hello to everyone!
I've been painting miniatures for a long time, in various scales, historical and fantasy miniatures.
I now offer commission painting. I'm very willing to take my long time hobby to the next level, so I'm open to almost any projects and can offer competitive prices.

If you are interested or have any questions, please contact me - [email protected]
My Coolmini profile -

Here are some pictures of previously completed miniatures.

Welcome aboard - some high-quality work there for sure.

Nothing wrong with you offering painting services in this part of the site - that's what it's for. But it's probably more 'polite' to actually participate as an active member and share some of your techniques and (admittedly excellent) finished work with the rest of us first, rather than jump straight in touting for 'business' with your very first post.

- Steve
Welcome aboard - some high-quality work there for sure.

Nothing wrong with you offering painting services in this part of the site - that's what it's for. But it's probably more 'polite' to actually participate as an active member and share some of your techniques and (admittedly excellent) finished work with the rest of us first, rather than jump straight in touting for 'business' with your very first post.

- Steve

Please excuse me for such a hurry. I will shurely post in other forum branches too, and I'll try to do it soon. If somebody has questions about my techniques, I'll gladly answer.
Sorry Steve, what is the difference between an artist offering to paint commissions and a manufacturer touting as you call it their latest offerings?'s all part of the hobby. Some paint some collect and some do both...let's not get into the practice again of putting people off posting by over moderation.

I wasn't even moderating Claude - let alone "over moderating". Just expressing an opinion. There is a difference.

Moderating is about responding to questions, requests & complaints, approving the relatively few posts that require mod approval (these mainly relate to upcoming events etc.), refereeing disputes and rows (and occasionally taking shit for it) and mundane 'housekeeping' chores like moving threads that have been posted in the wrong subforums, deleting duplicate threads, blocking spammers - that kinda stuff.

However, I only have my "mod's hat" on maybe 1% of the time I spend on here. The other 99% of the time I'm just a "regular member" - like your good self. Which is first and foremost what I see myself as because 99% of the time, the forum pretty much runs itself. And here's the rub: moderator or not, I still have opinions on some things that get posted up, and if I feel like it I'll express those opinions. As in this case. Now you may disagree with them at times, which is fine. But to be honest Claude, I'm not going to lose any sleep over that.

I'm also not exactly sure about which part of my remark to this new member that "nothing wrong with you offering painting services in this part of the site - that's what it's for" you're apparently having trouble understanding. The guy is welcome to offer his painting services. I just suggested it's perhaps better "form" to also actively participate in the community if you're going to do that. In relation to which (and in reply to your other comment above), it's perhaps worth mentioning that some of the manufacturers who advertise their new products on pF on a regular basis are also active community members who particpate in discussions etc. Stu at Stormtroopers, Ian at Ellie's Miniatures and Gra at CGS spring immediately to mind. Others are known personally to a lot of us as friends & acquaintances who we see once or twice a year at shows and maybe go for a drink with.

I'll grant you that this doesn't apply to all manufacturers who post on pF, but as these guys are effectively getting free advertising on here, my personal opinion is that it would be nice if they could occasionally put something back in return (out of courtesy, if you like).

- Steve
I agree with Steve 100%. Nothing wrong with advertising your work , services but those wishing to do so should join in .
Although we dont charge manufacturers for advertising (nor do we want to go down that line) They do participate in many ways
which outweigh the need to pay for advertising.

We dont want the old market call 'Im not here today gone tomorrow ,Im here today and gone this afternoon'.

I wish Stalkerminsky every success in his venture and hope to see a lot more of his work and him
My point Steve, which seems to have the agreement of at least 3 other members, is that I saw your comments as a negative, and unnecessary in the context of a part of the forum labelled "Sales and Commissions". I am not aware of any rules that state you have to be an active member or post WIP's etc nice as that may be...this was purely your personal opinion.

In my opinion your post could be seen to put off a new member who may be offering things for sale of interest to any collectors like myself who post or look in regularly and in that context I felt it unnecessary.

I am sure the job of moderator is a thankless one as you keep saying but it might be prudent to consider likely ramifications if you allow personal preferences as demonstrated here to cross the line of moderation.

I am not aware of any rules that state you have to be an active member or post WIP's etc ...

I'm sure you recall the MPs' expenses scandal a few years back Claude, and how they were all insisting that claiming for duck houses, cookie-cutters and such like was all "within the rules". Well a similar principle applies here - although I'll grant you one not that's anywhere near as important in the "public interest" or "national security" stakes: Just because it's in the rules (or indeed not in the rules) doesn't necessarily mean it's ok or good manners!

...this was purely your personal opinion.

Yep. I said as much above. And I make no apologies for expressing it.

In my opinion your post could be seen to put off a new member who may be offering things for sale of interest to any collectors like myself who post or look in regularly and in that context I felt it unnecessary

Or just as equally, he could have taken my comment on board, thought "yeah fair enough" and just carried on with his day. And from his follow-up comment, he doesn't appear to have been put off. He's even been back since then (according to the timer on his profile). So I reckon I'm going to have to disagree with you again Claude!

I am sure the job of moderator is a thankless one as you keep saying....

Yes it can be. But all the fast cars and loose women more than make up for any minor inconveniences (it's like being a Premier League footballer really, but keep that to yourself or everyone will be wanting to do it!! ;) :cool: )

but it might be prudent to consider likely ramifications if you allow personal preferences as demonstrated here to cross the line of moderation.

Again you seem to be having trouble understanding what I posted. But as it's Monday morning and you might still be a tad bleary-eyed after a wild weekend, allow me to swiftly recap: Moderator hat 1%. Member hat 99%. This was "member hat". In other words, I wasn't moderating! And from the comments so far at least, you appear to be the only one who doesn't seem to get that. Remember Claude: "Moderators are people too" :ROFLMAO: !!

- Steve
And in those immortal words of Lieutenant Columbo, "just one more thing":
let's not get into the practice again of putting people off posting by over moderation.
I was unaware that "over moderation" was ever a "practice" here, much less a problem.

As far as I'm aware, only one member has ever left pF as a result of any moderating decision I've taken - and he's since returned to the site, we've seen each other shows, shaken hands, had a drink together and all is once again "cool". I'm also unaware of anyone who has left due to actions taken or comments made by any of the other mods – all this bearing in mind that a phenomenon common on Internet forums is that people who feel sufficiently affronted to chuck their toys out of the pram for whatever reason often also feel the need to post up a final "Grand Exit Speech" outlining what a bunch of bastards the admin or other members are, before then storming off in a melodramatic primadonna tizzy, slamming the virtual door behind them on their way out. I've seen that stuff aplenty on other sites - not on here though funnily enough!

So perhaps you'd like to fill us all in on this supposed mass exodus or fear of posting that's apparently occurred due to over-zealous moderating, because the last time I checked (and I drop in here at least once almost every day), pF has still been as thriving, as friendly (notwithstanding the occasional episode of 'handbags') and as vibrant as it ever was, and the membership continues to grow.

- Steve
Not sure whats got your goat about this. Steve as a member thinks our new friend jumped the gun a tad, A point I agree on.

Stalkerminsky has taken the point and appologised.

You obviously believe it was uncalled for, thats your right.

Whats done is done, turn the page and enjoy looking at
Stalkerminsky's work.

My point Steve was that if you had ignored the initial post not one member of PF would have objected to it. I consider it was a less than welcoming introduction to PF from someone in an official capacity, please read it again, albeit written I'm sure with the best interests of the community at heart but misplaced on this occasion.
I wonder just how many WIP's we will see but hopefully the gentleman will not have been put off "Touting for Business" as you prefer to name his quite innocent post.
I think it is important for moderators to stand back from posts rather than pouncing in an official capacity. Why not wait to see what the members say beforehand.
I know you are also a modeller perhaps It would be useful to have two signatures one as a moderator the other as Steve Riley modeller.
Perhaps a storm in a tea cup but for Micks benefit the number of people liking my original post has risen to four so I'm clearly not alone in my thoughts.
Just a plea for a little temperance Steve, I just hate to see it when potential new members are attacked on their first post.
I agree that what you have Steve is a thankless task which most wouldn't want and probably lack the technical skills to carry out, you have introduced some nice innovations to the website in the past couple of years but on this occasion I think your post was quite unnecessary...we will agree to disagree.

Well Claude, that last (very patronising) contribution of yours is the posting equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and singing "la-la-la-la". Because from your comments, it's pretty clear to me that you haven't taken on board a single word I said above, despite my best attempts to explain things to you in coherent and plain English.

But rest assured that your plea for "temperance" hasn't fallen on deaf ears, because I'm exercising it now in not posting the reply that I think you really deserve. But that's just me - I'm nice like that, and way too polite!

I think this one has run its course now, so I'm drawing a line under it or we'll be here all night and in all honesty, I've got better things to do even if you haven't (now I've got my "moderator's hat" on - call it a perk of the job! ;)).

- Steve
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