I wasn't even moderating Claude - let alone "over moderating". Just expressing an opinion. There is a difference.
Moderating is about responding to questions, requests & complaints, approving the relatively few posts that require mod approval (these mainly relate to upcoming events etc.), refereeing disputes and rows (and occasionally taking shit for it) and mundane 'housekeeping' chores like moving threads that have been posted in the wrong subforums, deleting duplicate threads, blocking spammers - that kinda stuff.
However, I only have my "mod's hat" on maybe 1% of the time I spend on here. The other 99% of the time I'm just a "regular member" - like your good self. Which is first and foremost what I see myself as because 99% of the time, the forum pretty much runs itself. And here's the rub: moderator or not, I still have opinions on some things that get posted up, and if I feel like it I'll express those opinions. As in this case. Now you may disagree with them at times, which is fine. But to be honest Claude, I'm not going to lose any sleep over that.
I'm also not exactly sure about which part of my remark to this new member that "nothing wrong with you offering painting services in this part of the site - that's what it's for" you're apparently having trouble understanding. The guy is welcome to offer his painting services. I just suggested it's perhaps better "form" to also actively participate in the community if you're going to do that. In relation to which (and in reply to your other comment above), it's perhaps worth mentioning that some of the manufacturers who advertise their new products on pF on a regular basis are also active community members who particpate in discussions etc. Stu at Stormtroopers, Ian at Ellie's Miniatures and Gra at CGS spring immediately to mind. Others are known personally to a lot of us as friends & acquaintances who we see once or twice a year at shows and maybe go for a drink with.
I'll grant you that this doesn't apply to all manufacturers who post on pF, but as these guys are effectively getting free advertising on here, my personal opinion is that it would be nice if they could occasionally put something back in return (out of courtesy, if you like).
- Steve