MMM 1/9th Nigel "Sharky"' Ward bust


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Steve Brodie

PlanetFigure Supporter
May 18, 2015
As commanding officer of 801 Squadron, Ward had to prepare the Sea Harrier for action in the South Atlantic. Aircraft and pilots were borrowed from the conversion unit, 899 Naval Air Squadron, and with a strength of eight aircraft they embarked in HMS Invincible on 4 April 1982
Ward flew over sixty war missions, achieved three air-to-air kills, and took part in or witnessed a total of ten kills; he was also the leading night pilot, and was decorated with the Distinguished Service Cross for gallantry.



A nice little box arrived this morning, and inside was the 1/9th bust of Nigel 'Sharky' ward from MMM, Bust consists of 5 parts, the main torso, his head with helmet integrally cast the hose and the two connecting clips to hold the oxygen mask in place



The webbing on the back of the vest has some superbly cast detail;


The face is superbly sculpted with the beard been rather impressive;


The 'bone' dome is very nice, with all the buckles and straps cast very well, with some undercuts in evidence, will need just a quick swipe over on the rear of the helmet. However DO NOT remove the little line at the base of the helmet, its supposed to be there;



Finding colour photos of fleet air arm pilots from the falklands was not that easy, but after a few different key worded google searches managed to find a few;



Not my area of interest but I used to work near RNAS Yeovilton and had the thrilling experience of watching Sea Harriers in 79/80, particularly when limbering up for the annual air show. Sharky and his guys have my greatest respect. (Seeing the station’s Sea Fury flying was almost as exciting, by the way.)

If you run short of inspiration have a read (or listen) to Harrier 809 by Rowland White. That started my current interest in all things Falklands.
I thought Sharky's name is Nigel, not David??

- Steve
It is , will try and get the title changed his full name is Nigel David Ward.

Title changed

Thanks for a look at the resin

A nice subject choice and great sculpt ...going to need to carefully remove the casting line on the back webbing

Hope we see this in V Bench

Happy benchtime

I'm a Guardian reading lefty.
However, I do read other reputable publications.
Alas the Daily Fail isn't one.:cautious:

Don't be intimidated and put off from reading it Carl by the use of any big words or common sense proposals in their articles.

Hope you are keeping safe and well mate and I hope to see you back on the hobby circuit soon.
