I am glad this piece was picked up and is being produced.Comparing it with the original as posted on here by Sergey I wonder why the neck tassel has been lost and the purpose of the additions to the face protection.Also liked the way the arrow was ready to go.Unsure as to the "wave",maybe it's just that it's novel.Good to see different ways of displaying busts/half figures.
Sorry. I've said elsewhere that I have trouble getting my head around half figures. I like to think of myself as tolerant but when I saw this my first thought was "they're taking the p#@*. I'm not commenting on the sculpt. but the concept leaves me cold. What's coming next? Bi-laterally sectioned. left or right sided figures? Enough!
You pretty much sum things up Rob, if no one did anything experimental or conceptual, we'd still all be playing with Britains Hollow Cast.I find some of the reactions to this piece rather offensive. It is certainly different and experimental in its concept and I can understand that some people won't like that and may feel the concept doesn't work and they have every right to give their opinion. But I can assure you that it is beautifully sculpted ( I had the pleasure of working on it to repair a breakage before it was cast) and rather than reacting as if someone has just insulted you by daring to produce something different, should we not enjoy the fact that there are so many different subjects and different ways of portraying them in our little hobby.
I agree.To comment or not to comment on this new 1/2 bust 3/4figure. I think all Planeteers have the freedom to express oneself in the forum. This is a out of the box and something different in the figure market. We have to consider: Does the 1/2 bust 3/4figure works base on the design. Overall is the whole design balance. Does it need the rear of the horse to support the rest of the figure? Is it historically correct?
You can always "If you don't like it, don't buy it". But you can also if you don't like it, you can comment on it.
Doesn't matter if it is a positive or negative comment. Just don't be afraid to express yourself!