More Napoleonics


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A Fixture
Dec 29, 2003
Philadelphia, PA.
Hey guys, sound off, how many of you with like to see more Napoleonics and in what scale? I personally think that the market is overloaded with ancients and Medieval figures, I would like to see more 90mm Napoleonics produced.


Hi Roc, you are right abut the Napolenic but on the Non-French subject, I would like to see more Allied and less know Enemies(quick example Spanish), in 54mm, also more french troops from the begining of the Napoleonic era and no more Imperal Guard troops please, we have enough. :eek: ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

I vote Roc for president :) hehhehee I will totally agree with both of you guys. I would really like to see 75mm or 90mm napoleonic subjects. They will cost us a lot... but i'm sure they will worth their money.
I for one would like to see more Napoleonics in 54mm or 70mm. I'd particularly like to see someone produce a rifleman from "the other" British Rifle Regiment... the 60th - The King's Royal Rifle Corps...

Rudi ;)
Originally posted by Blind Pew@Jul 9 2005, 10:50 AM
As well, a few naval subjects would be welcome as this is a much ignored as aspect of military history.
Here! Here!

Some decent figures of naval officers and seamen from the 18th and 19th centuries would be great!

I like 90mm French Napoleonic personalities. I'm sick of grenadiers of te imperial guard and horse chasseurs - boooorrring!

The problem with the lesser known figures is that there would not be enough of a market for such a figure unless it was extraordinary in quality.

BTW - I am starting on a mounted 90mm Barton figure of Captain Mnahes (ADC to Murat) sculpted by Richard Almond almost 20 years ago - and it still stands up today. I picked it up on ebay a year and a bit ago.

Colin, that is a beautiful figure, sculpted by the master Richard Almond, you are lucky to have it and I'm looking forward to seeing you do a step by step.

Hey Roc

My fondest wish is that Metal Models (specifically Bruno Leibovitz) would someday sculpt some British, Prussian, Austrian and Russian figs to match their flawless French gems.
I know there is going to be a 120mm napoleonic released soon, I ahve seen a casting and its really nice. Can't say too much as the box art is being painted as we speak.

Metal Modeles Bruno Leibovitz is the way to go in my opinion for Napoleonic Figures. I believe that Bruno can do miracles. Lets all hope for now though :)
I agree! I have seen far too many Brits and Imperial Guard and the like!

I'd LOVE to see RUSSIAN Napoleonic figures in 54 - 90mm! And some REALISTIC COSSACKS and no more Tarus Bulba - Zaporozian Cossacks with the shaved heads and pony tail! PLEASE sculptors - get it right! That was an earlier period and a limited group (comparatively) to all the Cossacks/Kossaks/Kazaks (choose your spelling) that were! ;)

And I whole-heartedly agree with CRF regarding personalities (include RUSSIAN and others in that too, please).

I will now step down from my tree-trunk.

Justin :)
<---Who is not REALLY a Russo-phile! ;)

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