Completed Critique Mother of Dragons - Nuts Planet bust


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Andrew Perren

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2015
Hi guys, I've been working on another in my set of Game of Thrones busts from Nuts Planet. I am basically calling this one complete also. Daenerys Targaryen - Mother of Dragons with "Drogon" , one of her dragons. This is my first female subject.

I tried for the very pale smooth skin and silvery blonde hair that the character has. I've chosen to give her blue eyes ( although the Targaryens eyes are purple in the books)

Anyway onto some pics - please feel free to let me know where I can improve. There is a bonus pic with her half brother - wink wink.

Nice work on both pieces Andrew. And I like the plaques on the bases very much. Are you planning to do all of the N.P. "Thrones" busts?

Myself and the good lady are currently binge-watching the entire show on nowtv (just started Season 4 last night). Haven't read any of the books though.

- Steve
Thanks Steve. I have three of the NP busts and the next will be "Jon Snow". His matching base is already done as well. I wasn't planning on doing the Tywin bust as I though it was the weakest in the set ( plus he's a meanie :nailbiting:)
Funnily enough, the Tywin bust is actually my favourite of the lot, and the only one I have (so far).

I like 'em all though, and the others are on my "to get" list. The Imp will probably me next up for me, I think he's a great character and very well played by Peter Dinklage. I've also got my eye on the Andrea Ned Stark bust, but I'm not sure how well it scales out alongside the N.P. ones.

- Steve
You started a nice collection of GoT and they both look great.
How did you made a plaques on bases? I like them very much but dont have a skill to make them.
Nice work on both pieces Andrew. And I like the plaques on the bases very much. Are you planning to do all of the N.P. "Thrones" busts?

Myself and the good lady are currently binge-watching the entire show on nowtv (just started Season 4 last night). Haven't read any of the books though.

- Steve

Babelfish you MUST read the books. They are different then TV serie and there are some characters that are not in TV show.TV serie is top class but books are one class above.
Very nice flesh tones.
I'm currently working on this one myself, so I'll be having a much closer look at your achievement.
Thanks for the help.

Very nice work on both, but i have my doubts of the 20 yards look in her eyes.

I liked the serie on TV to, but I must confess that I'm gonna lost in the story at the moment. There is to many things happening in one episode.
And I can't remember who is king or something in the world.
The Lannisters, Jon Snow, Tagearys, that is to follow.......but the rest.

I liked the serie on TV to, but I must confess that I'm gonna lost in the story at the moment. There is to many things happening in one episode.
And I can't remember who is king or something in the world.
The Lannisters, Jon Snow, Tagearys, that is to follow.......but the rest

We watched the first 3 series on DVD and enjoyed it, but as you say there's so much going on you have to pay close attention to who's related who, the names and all that stuff. Easy to lose the plot in places or miss something important.

Now it's on catch-up TV, we've decided to rewatch it all right from the very beginning and it's one of those shows that I think you definitely get more out of second time round. Everything becomes much clearer, and it's such a quality show that it stands up to a repeat watch anyway. We're now on Series 4 which is "new territory" for us, but having done the recap, everything is much clearer.

- Steve
Guys thank you very much for your feedback. I must admit to having a great time with these subjects as I am a certified Game of Thrones tragic. For those who have trouble keeping up with the story it is said that George RR Martins books have over 1600 named characters so far ! - don't feel bad.

Dekiman, the plaques were not too hard. Disclaimer: this is not my original technique but I can't remember where I saw it to give credit. So if you're reading and it's yours - thankyou.

You will need - Computer with MS Word or similar, Overhead Projector transparencies, someway to print on these in black ( I used laser), black marker pen, silver/gold paint ( I used alclad). double sided adhesive sheet.

Step 1 - create your plaque in MS Word. I used a text box, Make sure you create a black border, insert an image and the text. Do some sample prints on paper to make sure the size is right.

Step 2 - I used a free PDF Creator to save this as a PDF file. You will need to print this as a reverse image onto the clear sheet. I used my local Officeworks supply store. Cheap as chips. So when you look at the clear sheet you see the plaque right way but its printed on the other side -got it? You can fit many copies or other plaques on this A4 sheet so try to do them all together.

Step 3 - I painted the printed side using my airbrush and Alclad Pale Burnt Metal. You could use silver, gold whatever. Light smooth coats straight onto plastic. Now the black text & image has a nice background.

Step 4 - roughly cut around the border leaving some extra to trim. Cut a piece same size of double sided adhesive sheet ( I use a 3M product) and peel & stick to the painted/printed side. This stuff has peel & stick on both sides.

Step 5 - trim the excess away with a sharp hobby blade and straight edge. Use the black marker to carefully tidy up the cut edge and unify the black border.

Step 6 - Now you are ready to fix to your completed base simply remove the other adhesive peel & stock backing and put into place - you will have to be careful with placement because you only get one shot this time.

People with access to more sophisticated software could create some really cool things using these basic principles.
Nice work Andrew!

As Gells said, female flesh is tricky to do, you have done a great job.

I have this one also.I've started with the eyes, but thats as far as I got, and put it away until I feel like takling it again.


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