Mounted Adc


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Thanks Colin, Alex, and Zeno. Looking forward to our next meeting and having a bunch of stuff to look over with the group.
So here's a bit more progress. Starting to flesh in the details as I go along and having alot of fun with this.

Since the last update the right arm has been done, epaulette, brassard, straps on sadle and tassel on the colback. I've included a shot of the back of the figure, which is not fleshed out yet. Still left is his accoutrements (waistbelt and scabbard), hands (the right holding his saber), plume on the colback, the riders hair and colback chinstraps. Also the horse needs his reins etc.

Comments and critique welcome.


Wow, this is really coming along from last Friday!! It's looking good, once the reins are on, this is going to look really dynamic!
Man, this looks great Greg!
I'll be paying very close attention to how you go at the coattails and turnbacks as well as the colpack furniture like braids flounders and the plume

Keep on keeping on Bro

Hey guys, thanks for the kind words.

I've added the coattails from MS, although looking back on it, I may have been better off using a mix with greenstuff to increase its flexibility in case of hamfistedness in the painting/final assembly stage. Essentially I mixed the putty, waited a couple hours, then rolled it out (lots of talc), cut too shape, folded over the edges then put a dot of superglue on the lower back of the rider to secure; placed the coattail on the figure and then placed the rider on the horse so it would drape properly, eased with some gentle prodding with the handle of a paintbrush. I think I waited a bit too long after mixing which made them difficult to work with but overall (with a bit of touchup as usual :rolleyes:), they'll look the part. All that remains is to fill out the back and smooth em in, add pockets, buttons etc.

Also scratchbuilt the porte-manteau, which i'm pretty happy with, although I may clip the ends of the plastic buckles and redo in greenstuff to make it less bulky looking. Who knows, I just want to keep pushing through, there's always the next project to apply all these lessons. Dyin' to paint this one already.

Thanks Colin. I was considering leaving him without the plume but I'm really glad I added it. Adds some panache haha.. Also decided to add the tie on his chinstraps, tiny pieces of rolled out duro, which are barely noticeable with the amateur photography. I'm not too worried about the tack since I've had practice with sculpting straps so far on this project, I'm more worried about the hands...:( . Almost done!