Review Mounted Sapper 3rd Hussar Regt from Soga Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi everyone

Following on from the announcement here by Dmitri

Continuing working with Chronos using their horse , I looked at a previous Sapper release here :




As you see another mounted sapper this time the 3rd Regt wearing a buttoned up pelisse with the axe over the shoulder
The Regt was created as the Hussars de Esterhazy becoming the 3rd in 1791, at the date of the release it was commanded by Colonel Le Brun who reached the rank of General de Brigade in 1807 and Division in 1812


Some books to look at


Details of the release

Title: Sapper of the 3rd Hussar Regiment in full dress, France, 180 year

Reference: 5435

Scale: 54mm

Material: Gray resin

No of Pieces: 29 for rider, 4 for horse plus Base and lead strip to cut for the reins

Casting: In House

Sculptor: Mikhail Tyulkin

Horse: 3D Chronos

Box art: Dmitri Baev


As with previous releases I have looked at ( see links below ) this is a team effort working with Chronos 3D for the horse with Soga dealing with the remainder
and here:

Parts came in the usual good box with a coloured picture of the painted version on the lid , inside parts are packed well in clear bags


All the casting is very good indeed with easy accessible gates to remove parts from ....again I say be careful when removing the smaller parts ...there's a carpet monster somewhere...LOL

Continued in next post

Lets begin with the rider and the smaller pieces , looking at the horse separately later

Click on pics for larger images if you wish


Wearing the buttoned up pelisse , held on with 5 small posts on the right side , good placing as none affect the lacing , a tiny bit of puttywork might be needed on the colpack on the surface

The detail and casting on the lacework is extremely sharp and very precise ...something that I have found in all Soga releases , the fur edging displays a good surface definition both on the lower edges and around the neck

At the rear again lacing is sharp and no blemishes , there is a cutout to fit the pouch after fitting the belt ends , the tied hair at the back looks good with the hair and beard having texture and full as in the other sapper . the beard and moustache is shaped well , access to the eyes presents no problem both being well worked, he does look a little like the 9th Regt one ...perhaps a brother ??

The headwear is well textured with the flamme hanging on the left , good shape on this , there a good locating hole for the plume at the front , the headwear is held in place by a good chain , sitting well into the beard

Under the lower edge is a good locating block of resin to fit the legs into



Obviously positioned as mounted , wearing taselled boots which are showing good creases and folds , again good casting and sharpness on the lacing , especially the trefoils on the front of the thighs , and the sword belt

The boots have spurs cast on , on the review resin was was missing but easily repalced , on the inside of the legs there are fine casting lines that you will need to look at removing



This sprue also holds the portmanteau in the middle , well shaped to fit into place , good buckles and the ends have the number 3 in the centre on both sides

The arms are positioned bent , the right slightly more to hold the axe (m , the left is missing the actual hand, both are gauntlets , the left holding a piece of rein , on the left upper arm is the crossed axes with a grenade above ....again well cast, both arms have natural folds



This sprue holds 3 pieces , the one in the centre is the sword tassel , a well styled item , the axe is a shaped head one with a cutting edge , the other more hammer type , there were many variations seen , on the lower shaft the cast on hand good finger definition , fit to the right wrist is simple and accurate

The sabretasche facing a number 3 is cast well with the fitment rings in place, nice to see that it looks like it has things inside rather than just a flat scaulpt



As you see the Lt cavalry sword , rings attached which shows off the casting quality well , cast with the sword in the scabbard , you will need to fit the tassel onto the hand guard


Remaining items

The first picture shows the pouch and end straps along with the buckles needed , please be careful with all the items when removing , the pouch is plain with a good fitment post on the rear , the end straps are accurately cast and positioned to aid fitment

The buckles are little gems ...but again the emphasis is on careful removal


This is the same pieces as in the 9th Regt , good details on the stirrups and strapping , nice textures on the plume , fitting with ease on all pieces


Last but not least the horses bit pieces , the same as in previous , small abd easily lost ..again be careful removing


We will look at the horse in the next post

Onto the horse

As before a Chronos piece so the sculpting and form will be as good as ever , this is indeed the case , suffice to say the pictures will show it

Consisting of 4 pieces , left and right sides , head and a tail , I think this is the same horse looking at the position as in my previous sapper review but happy to be corrected

The sides were not on formers and the fit was spot on with only a smidgeon of filler needed around the centre , muscle and anatomy definition is excellent ,.again a stallion is depicted

The sheepskin texture is very good , particularly note the toothed edging which runs nicely around , at the back a locating hole for the portmanteau, at the front the rolled cloak and good to see the pistol holders ....really very good research and insistance on detail

The sculptor has added resin to ensure no gaps are showing when the rider is in position


The head is bent forward again lovely anatomy is shown with accurate work on the bridle ; strap ends and buckles are already cast into place, nice defined nostrils and eyes , with the ears proud and open



The tail is nicely sculpted with movement again good textures , fit is no problem as before a good location position


As before a substantial base all textured with low grass and locating holes to position the horse safely , most will include this into a larger base​


Final thoughts

Soga and Chronos continue to work well with this release , a good researched piece , casting good with minimal work to do before the brushes come out and a good companion piece for the 9th Regt Sapper they released


Thank you to Dmitri @ Soga Miniatures for the review piece(y)

For more information and to order go to their website via this link :

Or contact Dmitri here on PF in light the current situation in the world

Thanks to all for looking in

Happy benchtime
