Review "Mummy's Little Soldier" from Tiger Tattoo


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi ,

Those that went to the new Euro Miniature Expo show this year would have seen Mr Rob Henden demonstrating his skills with the airbrush and and on the same table he had the latest release he had sculpted .

In addition he has released 2 others which I reviewed here:
Now we have another addition based on a character in a TV series ....​


Here all 3 are in the competition room at Euro for which Rob got a well deserved medal.​
So the release is based on a rather foppish character played so well , a veritable "Mummy's Boy" who insisted he always wore his scarf to keep warm !!!! ...whilst being watched over by his (cough cough !!!) "Uncle Arthur" or Sgt Wilson played by John le Mesurier​
Played in the series Dad's Army by Ian Lavender with skill , he still acts and was the ideal choice for the part of Pte Pike ....even now everytime I watch any from the series it always raises a chuckle with so many great lines relating to him like :​
He has so many great facial expressions in the series :​
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Always wanting the latest "toy" in this case a Thompson machine gun .....​
and never without his scarf ...of course !!!​
or his uniform badges​
I am sure you will agree a subject just so right to depict in resin​
Continued in next post​
Details of the release:

Title: "Mummy's Little Soldier"

Reference: N/A

Scale: A large 1/9th

Material: Gray resin

No of parts: 7

Sculpting and Box Art by Rob Henden

Moulds created by: Marc Day ( from Sovereign 2000 or S2K )

Casting: Marc Day ( S2K )

As with the previous 2 releases the box is nice and suitable for purpose , packed to the brim with resin in bubble wrap , the smaller parts were in a small bag .

Pike 001.jpg
Parts consist of torso , right arm , head, right hand, actual weapon , tock and the magazine​

Pike 002.jpg

Lets look at the Prep

Torso...Excess Resin to remove from lower edge
Arm...Excess resin from top of shoulder and fit to torso
Head...Casting block to remove from under neck and casting line on neck at back
Hand...Remove from former
Main Weapon...Remove from former
Stock...Remove casting excess and fit
Magazine...Remove casting excess and fit

As the weapon consists of several parts I would certainly suggest you build this complete then test fit into the arm before actually putting the arm to the torso.

Lets look at the parts


As with the others this is a big piece of resin with the left arm cast on , the other shoulder has a blank to take the arm, he is wearing the battledress as with the others , the larger chest pockets are nicely shaped with the edging being good , nice undercuts on the pocket flaps .

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On the shoulder we have the epaulettes good shaping and edging again with a slight lift where it meets the shoulder material.

On the upper arms we see the Home Guard shoulder insignia , sculpted by Rob with what must have been a lot of swearing ...and the results look really good , under that we have a square ready for the county details to be painted on.

The collar corners peek out from the trademark of Mummy's Little Soldier.....a scarf wrapped round the neck and folded over at the front , hanging down in the centre ....I love it ...what is so iconic of the subject , great texture all the way round the scarf...nice one Rob

The actual material texture is done effectively all over which will make painting enjoyable .

Underneath there is the Tiger Tattoo title

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Right Arm

After dry fitting this to the torso and then making the weapon up it sits nicely in place , the arm bent at the elbow sitting into the body .

The arm looks a little long in the upper part when not in position but okay when in place , Rob has sculpted the folds at the elbow .

I will sand back the seam a bit a little heavy for my liking ..but that's me !!

As with the other shoulder the insignia is very good ...patience there !!!

Just remember to think the fit out in respect the weapon .

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Head As with all busts the face is the focal point which all look at and its even more difficult to sculpt a known person and one with such a distinctive look ....

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Well has Rob achieved it ...I think he has had a good go at it , not exactly right for instance the chin and tge smile. but great smirking smile on this young lad ..its real fun for sure , the features are very good the high cheeks, eyes and the ears all well done ....the ears are holding up his side cap which is spot on for the character .

Hair is nicely textured and sitting on top his head pulled down to the ears is the cap ....the side pieces hanging over at the top ( no doubt due to his mother insisting he wears it down over his ears when on guard at the ice cream parlour on the sea front !!!)

The material is again textured like the uniform and there is a very nicely sculpted "prancing horse" badge of Kent , the buttons at the front are well rounded and in scale.

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This head is a heck of a lot of fun and I defy anyone not to laugh when painting it ...and of course watch some of the episodes research !!!

Right Hand

Careful removal from the former gives you a hand which has the trigger finger pointing forward and the actual handle and part of the mechanism is cast within , the fingers are nicely formed with the details of the weapon parts being the same ,the back of the hand is flat to allow fitting .

On the review item there is a hole in the bottom of the handle that will need filling , the wood handle has texture.

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Main weapon Part

This is the full length of the weapon well shaped and with both wood and metal surfaces to paint , , all parts are in place including the cocking handle on the to and the distinctive weapon details of the barrel.

Care and thought is needed when putting the weapon together and removing from formers.

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Stock and Magazine

Both need to be fitted on the magazine there is a small button of resin which matches the hole in the main weapon. , as with the wood on the weapon the stock displays the same wooden effects rather nicely .

Again take your time fitting everything ..the result will be worth it .

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Final Thoughts

A fun packed addition to the group of characters ...nice to see a smiling face together with the previous more serious looks of The Captain and The Veteran.
You will have lots of fun with this and that is what this hobby is all about , so all credit to Rob for sculpting and releasing this...perhaps we might see another ..there are lots with great features !!!


Thanks to Rob for the review piece and to you all for watching this episode

You can contact Rob via this e mail

[email protected]

Or of course via his FB page

Happy bench time to one and all
