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A Fixture
Nov 1, 2003
Hi guys,it's been a while since I posted anything.That doesn't mean that I wasn't busy. Here's my version of Murat by Metal modeles.All acrylics as usual. This wasn't at Chicago



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There are a ton of things I like about this one, Stephen. The top three are:

The varnish on the horse;
The way green varies;
The leopard skin.

I've seen a fair amount of horses in shows and here. Have to say I never saw a paintjob on a horse sealed this way. It works on so many levels. May I ask which brand and which type of varnish is applied? Thanks in advance and sincere congrats!
Micheal,there's no secret at all. The horse is also painted in acrylics by Andrea and Vallejo.When it was done I gave it a couple of coats in Vallejo satin varnish.Be carefull here not to overdo it. It's a case of less is more

The greens of the jacket are simply outstanding! I'm going to go out on a limb here Stephen, you know I like your work, but the loepard skin feels like it could have more color depth to me. It looks just a tad bit like it needs some colors on the margins between the orangy/browns and the whites. Looks like it could be a bit more golden brown. Just me maybe. I know I'm not giving you any painting lessons, it just looks like some colors are off kilter a bit to my eye.

Jay H.


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Very nice Stephen, although I have to agree with Jay. I too love your work, but the Leopard skin didn't look as well done as the rest of the model. The horse is outstanding.
Micheal,there's no secret at all. The horse is also painted in acrylics by Andrea and Vallejo.When it was done I gave it a couple of coats in Vallejo satin varnish.Be carefull here not to overdo it. It's a case of less is more


I guessed correctly then... Having gone thru an unpleasant episode with Vallejo satin varnish recently when painting black leather, I totally get what you mean by 'less is more', Stephen.

Thanks and I am much inspired.
Jay, you won't miss any limbs whatsoever:):). No seriously, the reason for this was that all the pics I got from the Internet showed a rather harsh transition between the browns/oranges and whites. To make it worse, the cut of the skin itself leaves little space for the whites, which left a big brown/orange area. Having said that, I don't think that softening the area a little is going to hurt. It will only take a few minutes.

Hi guys,it's been a while since I posted anything.That doesn't mean that I wasn't busy. Here's my version of Murat by Metal modeles.All acrylics as usual. This wasn't at Chicago

Ha ha Good to see you back Steve, as usual a pleasure to see your newest stuff, very good indeed. Were you at Euro in Sept.:mad:
Alex, Rich thanks.
Rich, I did attend Euro in September. It was great fun

Nice job on this one Stephen. I've always like this figure. Jay beat me to commenting on the leopard skin, but you're right, a couple minutes spent will take care of it. Interesting idea with the varnish. I might have to play with my gloss and matte mediums the next time I paint a horse. :)

The pic's not bad either. :D
I'm happy that i see now that you haven't give up painting.
That green on the jacket is awesome.
In my opinion you have done a great job on the leopard skin, but you good get more out of it (with your talent.
If i look at the picture Jay gave us, there are more spots on a leopardskin then only the few you painted.
But hey, i could only wish that i good painted this way.

Hi Stephen,

Excellent painted figure and I like the green jacket very much.
Would you mind to share the mix for the horse color?

Thanks to all. Actually I have already touched up the leopard skin and it looks a lot better. The problem was that I needed to enlarge the White areas even though bottom line remains that one has to look at an individual animal and follow the pattern. That's what I did. Good thing is that the final result is better.

Marcel, I think I wrote it down somewhere but am not sure. If I find it I will surely pass it on to all


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