My first SBS with a Celtic Chieftain


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Oke Guys,

I get no comments on my latest picture's so i think it is oke.
Here are the new one's.
I finished the great coat on the backside and take some progress on the helmet and cuirasses.
Thanks to Craig, because i didn't no where to start with the brons.

So tell me what you think so far.



Marc, The figure is coming along nicely, If I may make one suggestion, I would delineate the bronze cuirass and helmet with Sepia oil paint, especially around the rivets, and I would highlight with touches of pure gold the rivets and the extremities of the cuirass and helmet. ;)
I apologize for the late response.

Keep those brushes wet and happy painting.


Roc. :)
Thanks Rocco,

That's what i am doing this SBS, i would have comments so i can improve my painting.
To morrow evening i take some pure gold printers ink and touch the helmet and cuirasses on the places you told.
With sepia outlining, you want that i gave some washes of sepia???


Marc, do the gold highlights first, let them dry real good, and than pull every thing together with very thin washes of Sepia.

Roc. :)
Hi Marc,

Looking superb allready. I would just highlight the top of his cloack more so you get a stronger overhead lighting feeling (try to think a bit more like Danny Pollaert).

Keep up the good work,

Thanks Gino,

You'r wright. I gonna do that, but i am not a Danny. He do it with the Airbrush. I must give it a try with the brush. At the moment now when i thinking about this I shiver because mostly i overdo this highlighting.


I think it wouldn't be a problem to overdue the highlighting. You can always "filter" over the cloak with dilute base colour to tone it down, and even smooth out some previous blending.
To build on Rocs suggestion on the rivets and detail work...

I avoid a true wash with thinner as it can be hard to control and require mulitple applications.

What I have done is add a drop or two of linseed oil to the sepia or mars black (mars black is nice and transparent). This thins just a bit. Apply around the base of the rivets. Using a clean a dry brush, feather out the oil away from the raised detail. I did this on the great helm of the Grand Master in my workbench

But, I want to mention how well I think you are doing. Very nice bronze work!

Hello Keith,

Thanks for the warning. Have to buy a bottle of Linseed oil tomorrow. Is it together with Terpentine or wite spirit to make the wash flow, or is it only linseed oil??

I only add 2-3 drops of linseed oil to the oil paint for this. I would not add turp or distilled white spritis. Linseed oil is about the same consistency as olive oil. So, it is quite a bit thicker than turp.

Linseed oil will help with the shine too. :)

Hello Guys,

Here is a follow up from my Celtic Chieftain.
I have done what was requested. Highlighted the helmet, cuiras, with cadmium yellow and printers ink gold.
Then with pure printers ink gold i did a very thinny highlight on all the pins and dots from those weapony.
Then i highlighted the cloak much more as you see.
Now i had to wash with sepia around the pins and dots, but that is for later the evening.
I basecoat the trousers and blouse and the short.



So, tell me what you think, and feel free to comment.

Hello Marc,
The changes you made have really helped bring out more detail. Keep painting my're doin good
Hi Marc,

This figure is looing really good and his cloack is: WOW, Great.

Don't forget to bring him to the meeting this tuesday.

