Very nice indeed Colin I know how big a change is going to a bust mate you seem to have cracked it a lot better than me, hard to believe it's done in acrylics as well
Great job on the face Colin. I like the way you've not overshaded it at this stage.
Your plan to revisit it if required once you've 'dressed' him is the way to go, particularly when your working from as good a result as first
Thanx Gary
Paints are Vallejo acrylics... I started with a base of beige red, worked up highlights by adding basic skintone to the beige red, after 2 or 3 passes I added carmine to basic skintone and touched around nose ears tops of cheeks and forehead, then more highs. Royal purple was washed under eyes (we do like our vodka) then washed with a middle highlight to soften the purple. Shadows were started with 50/50 mix of beige red and burnt cadmium red and worked down by adding more burnt cad red. The hard transistions were glazed with a middle highlight. Highest points were touched with straight basic skintone then glazed again.
I went at this kinda blind and without a plan. Basically transposed the mix I use for 54 and 75mm (thanx to Alex M) and just kept going back and forth between highs and lows and glazing to keep it smooth (a la Colin F). For my first shot at this scale, I'm pretty happy though more than once it nearly went out the window
Hi Colin,
You certainly are in a purple patch productive phase mate, long may it continue. That face is very natural - I can only sit and be envious.
Thank you so much Ron and Ritchie... the compliments mean a lot from the likes of you two rogues.
I don't know if I'm a bust painting convert but I admit it's more fun than I thought it would be.