Hello Rich, Sorry to jump in so late. I found these online, maybe they will help a little:
The first three are of Lincoln as a Captain, the last one is of early 1830's clothing and equipment. Regards, SG
I've taken the musket as far as I care to go at this point. I will make a mold and then use a casting to fabricate the shoulderstrap hardware and strap. Not sure at this point weather I want those to be castings too. I might be able to pull it off since the figure is 1:8 scale, but I doubt I can do that on anything smaller.
I haven't done much work on this sculpt, but I have managed to locate the type of sword he probably would have recieved, as these were officer short swords and artilery swords. I found one on ebay and purchased it, so I think my measurements are going to be much better when I make it. Here are a few images of it.