A simple resin bust seems to have generated a lot of interest!!
Cynically, I'd put it down to captive audiences, but many thanks for everyone who has added references
Forum references are sadly ill-visited, no doubt due to the easy access to the vast reservoir of knowledge of the internet. These days, it may be a case of not knowing the answer, but knowing how & where to find the answer - who could imagine that the esoteric world of Medieval Shields/Heraldry could be accessed by anyone with a computer?
I cut a new shield from 1 mm plastic card, poured boiling water on it & gently formed it into a curve ( around the bottom of a coffee jar! ) . The original shield, not only being too small also looked to curved to my eyes
I've primed it grey, and will obviously have to basecoat suitably for the heraldry. Of course, red & yellow are two of the most difficult colours to paint/overpaint in an area. The shield is quite easy, but that has to be repeated on his surcoat.....................
Still haven't decided which knight to depict!