New Figure Book in the Works


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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2004

Many of you have asked me to do a book on "how I do my plastic figure conversions". So I have decided to enlist the talents of my good friend and business partner Dave Harper, and we will publish a book on the tips and techniques I use.

The book will be full color and run about 80 pages. I am doing two new projects just for the book. One is a late war Germans in retreat diorama and the other is a WWII USMC in action diorama.

I have never attempted to do a book before and I am rather looking forward to the project.

Bill, I'm sure it will be a valuable reference for those wanting make their oob plastic figures a little extra special. Good luck with the process of putting it together.~Gary
Sounds great! :) There are a lot of issues I'd like to see addressed in the book.

* What to do about the material taken away from the razor saw's width? Can putty repair this all?
* What is the best putty to use?
* Should one modify the figure's parts, or can one kitbash other modified limbs to the figure? Or would kitbashing modified limbs make the figure look funny?
* How tight/loose should the wire fit into the hole drilled into the limb?
* When to give up? (I mean it. Sometimes the damage done is so great, no matter how much wiring and putty, the figure will never look the same or work out. But how does one know this?).
* What materials can or should be used for modifying figures? Would cloth make plastic figures look toylike or like dolls? How about rubber band? PE? Paper? Cardboard? Foil? What to use and what to avoid?

Thanks for the effort :)!!
Great idea Bill!

Not only can this be very interesting for the pure figure-modeller, but I hope it can also motivate more AFV and diorama-builders to spend more time and effort on their figurines. Looking forward to it!

You can put me down for a copy (autographed please, unless thats extra !! haha :) ) I wish you all the best for the project. I look forward to it.