The details are all beautifully sculpted as we'd expect from Laruccia. But all that gorgeous work on the shield is a shame as it's likely inaccurate and history buffs - which this is created for, on paper at least - would be called upon to remove it!
And that pose looks very stiff and unconvincing to my eyes - if he needed to gesture that far to the left with his sword I think he'd want to twist his torso rather than try to push against the armour. Even without armour the gesture feels a bit forced. Classic example showing that even some top sculptors shouldn't forget to try poses in the mirror before setting to work!
It looks so natural, like a roman tribune, dressed like that, brandishing a saucepan..![]()
Like I said, the gesture feels forced to me; I'm not just going on how it looks although it was the thing that made me check (many completely genuine poses don't look right). I tried to do the motion without thinking and my shoulders naturally twist a little to the left to accomplish the action, every time. Try it yourself, see if the same thing happens.
But regardless of what happens then, now try it dressed in a heavy sweater with an overcoat tightly buttoned over the top of it and with a 1.5 kg weight in your right hand (saucepan with a little over a litre of water in it would be about perfect). Now how natural does it feel?