Luis R.
A Fixture
Officier des Chasseurs à Chéval de la Garde
54mm white metal
54mm white metal
I like this one, but there's something that just seems a little "off." I think it is that the rider seems strangely static compared to the dynamic pose of the horse. If the rider were a bit more animated, it would be perfect.
The pose is typical of the iconography of the first empire period and I think it suits this figure.
Just me view.
While I have the greatest respect for MM, I do think there are occasional boo-boos. Jason's comment had me looking more closely at the figure and I agree with some of what he says. What strikes me most, though, is the position of the scabbard: if the horse was rearing, as shown, surely the scabbard would have swung to the rear, like a pendulum. A little thing, I know, but moving just that one piece might add to believability.
I receive my exemple ... just fantastic ... best than on photos ... o)