I agree - the Iroquois is my early favorite for Figure of the Year! Excellent sculpt, an outstanding paint job, and produced in the increasingly popular 75mm size range.
Given the pose, it almost begs for a companion figure or two - perhaps a French soldier and a woodsman, or another Indian warrior. (Modelers are never satisfied )
The Arab bust is impressive as well, and will no doubt appear on many a show table in the coming months.
The bust, ehhh, not that it's not a great sculpt and paint job, I could take it or leave it. I get a kind of movie character feeling from it. However, the Iroquois figure is outstanding. Not sure what it is, but even from a bust man's perspective, that fig is a winner!
The Iroquois figure.....WOW! Every now and then a really good figure comes out and you buy if you can. Rarely does a figure come out and buy it immediately because it is simply a work of art. This figure WILL be bought very soon.
hi the irochese !! is THE FIGUER OF THE YEAR !!!!... and the predone arabo is a excellent figuer too !!!.thank you luca and andrea jula !!!!.. for outstanding figuers. and a really outstanding paint job massimo !!!...and 37.50 € plas shipping IS EXCELLENT !!!. i think for the irochese. take care raty.
About $52.00. Not bad given the going rate of a 54mm figure these days. Although 75MM figures on Colorado Miniatures site are going for about $72. Either way it's a super figure. Regardless it's a beauty of a figure. ~Gary