New Release From New Manufacturer 1:9th`the Rat Catcher`


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diamond cutter

A Fixture
Mar 1, 2007
New release from a New manufacturer
1:9th Scale Bust
Resin Kit
Sculpted By . Peter Morton

£35.00 includes shipping World Wide
Pay Pal please to [email protected]
for further enquiries please contact

[email protected]

Wow thats a bit nice Pete very unusual and bags of character as well, so many different paint possibilities too excellent stuff fellah (y)

Love that skragly old face, alot of character. Pete, if I'm not mistaken, wasn't this a character from one of those very old british movies? Great sculpting all around with excellent detail. Regards, SG:)(y)(y)
Is he from Leicester! :D (one for Readdie). Victorian character to a tee Pete, well done, a lovely depiction.(y) You obviously have not been fishing on Middleton pier in the dead of night as our rats are bigger than that dog.;) I know I whacked one with the butt of my rod once.
Hi Guys ,

What a refreshing change to see something like this released , this has got so much character and so Victorian ...not a trade I would like to do though .

Great sculpt love the facial features and the battered cap , the dog looks the business as well .........

This is a really great and really different bust. The style of the topper is a "Prince Albert" that has seen much better days -- I like the patches. I'm not sure about the ruff on the shirt sleeves, though; I've never seen a Victorian design like that. Perhaps he was wearing one of his wife's nighties, cut down!
This should sell well.
Pete,brilliant, first rate bit of putty pushing ,one of youre finest ,excellent face i know a guy who looks like that ard as nails anyway,perhaps he,s eddie izzards great great grandfather,youre really keeping up with the fashion these days cool dresser,hope it goes well for you ,regards cadno