New samurai (Pegaso models)


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I do not know why a painter buying this piece should be penalized in a competition because this or that about the sculpt is historically inaccurate. I mean as a painter, I'm trying to produce the best piece I can paint. .

One of the reasons i personally don't care for competitions. I would consider myself as a modeler rather than a painter. To me we have two separate hobbies mutually beneficial to each other who have to compete together.
If we have to have completions (rather than just show and tell), maybe prizes could be renamed for any particular category i.e. Single Mounted Figure (M) modeler. (P) painter or (AR) -for all rounder. Judges could then have a way to express what it is about a winner they deemed worthy without excluding any piece from an award.

Radiacal (or stupid) David
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There is a Tokugawa Ieyasu resin kit in Japan.Kunōsan's collection shida-gusoku/ 歯朶具足has been faithfully reproduced.Recommend to anyone dissatisfied with Pegaso's Ieyasu.Amazon.JP currently has 1 in stock.プラッツ-徳川家康公...w=9ofSJ&content-id=amzn1.sym.a4dc92d7-7100-43

Being honest, it might be "accurate" but that Japanese resin piece in the link is very 1980s/90s in appearance with a very 'stiff' and static pose.

I have questioned (rather than being critical of) the size of the head on the Pegaso figure but given a choice and as with probably 99% of people in this hobby I suspect who prefer detail and quality over 'accuracy', I would much rather paint the Pegaso piece any day.

Ultimately, one of the big benefits of this hobby is that there is a plethora of choice on most subjects for people to then decide, individually, what figure(s) best suits them and their own needs or expectations.

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Being honest, it might be "accurate" but that Japanese resin piece in the link is very 1980s/90s in appearance with a very 'stiff' and static pose.

I have questioned (rather than being critical of) the size of the head on the Pegaso figure but given a choice and as with probably 99% of people in this hobby I suspect who prefer detail and quality over 'accuracy', I would much rather paint the Pegaso piece any day.

Ultimately, one of the big benefits of this hobby is that there is a plethora of choice on most subjects for people to then decide, individually, what figure(s) best suits them and their own needs or expectations.


Yes, you are right. Please continue to exercise your critical spirit.That's much healthier than "moderated" wants.