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Sep 11, 2009
Hello to all,

This is my first time as I am new to the hobby. I have just purchased a 90mm figure, the Pegaso Templar Sargeant and am very anxious to start. I wonder if you guys could help me with some doubts:

1. What scale is a 90mm figure?
2. Are there any other Templar Knight figures, in 90mm metal?
3. What tricks can you suggest to help me with the assembly and painting?
4. What are the advisable tools and paints to start me up?

Any other help will be very welcome.

Thanks for your help.
You have chosen a very popular figure, and I am sure that there are many here who have completed this particular offering. One thing I found is that you may want to do some painting before putting everything together. For example, may I suggest painting his face before putting that part into the hood of the cloak. It will be very difficult to get at parts of his face once you glue that part into the hood.

I know that both Pegaso and Romeo models have other crusader knights in 90 mm, both as foot figures and even mounted (be warned, the mounted 90mm are very expensive, naturally given the amount of metal you would be dealing with). Hope this helps, and have fun painting this fellow! :)
Welcome Victor!

Victor Almeida said:
1. What scale is a 90mm figure?
No one answer to this unfortunately. With figures sold at nominal sizes - 54mm, 70mm, 90mm, 120mm etc. - there is a lot of variation in their actual size and their scale from maker to maker, even sometimes from piece to piece in one line.

90mm equates to 1/19 scale if one assumes a given average height and measure from sole of foot to crown of head.

Victor Almeida said:
3. What tricks can you suggest to help me with the assembly and painting?
You've picked a pretty complex figure to begin with, so I'd recommend spending the time to familiarise yourself with the basics of cleanup and general prep and working through the steps slowly and methodically. Don't be afraid to do dry-runs on assembly before you commit to glue.

You can assemble a metal figure in about two minutes if you wanted to but it's well worth taking the time to do it right.

Search here and elsewhere online for further information on any of the various techniques you'll hear about - removing mould lines, pinning joints (especially important for heavy metal figures), what glues to use or soldering, holding parts during painting, whether to assemble first or paint in subassemblies, smoothing/polishing the casting, filling pitting or gaps and more.

Victor Almeida said:
4. What are the advisable tools and paints to start me up?
In terms of tools, different people use different things. The very simplest might be a single knife and a piece of fine sandpaper, but as you can see from the thread Tools of the trade it can get a lot more complicated than that. You'll also need some two-part putty for filling, e.g. MagicSculp, Milliput, A+B, Apoxie Sculpt.

As far as paints go, you can use enamels, artists' acrylics, oil paints, alkyds, hobby 'acrylics' (Vallejo, Andrea, Reaper, P3) so there's a lot to pick from. If you don't have any brushes you'll need at least a couple of rounds and maybe a small flat; starting with synthetics might be a good idea rather than going with something more expensive this early.

BTW you also need to select a primer as it's important to prime first for best results. I recommend spray auto primers as they are inexpensive, good quality and very tough. Many hobby primers are multiple times the price.

Hiya Victor, if I remember correctly 90mm equates to roughly 1/18 scale. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong. Oh and welcome by the way.
This is a beuatifull figure but not one to start with in this great hobby. If it is possible try to find someting less complex. You have to paint alot in subassemblies (the face has to be painted first before you put it in place).
I painted mine with oils with a base from acrylic.


I am now attempting to glue the various pieces but I am having difficulty with the glue that I am using. Could anyone suggest the best glue for white metal?

Victor,you'll need to use either a Cyanoacrylate(CA) glue (Super Glue) or a two part expoxy resin.(Araldite)
And keep in mind you'll need to 'pin' some larger parts together to assist in making a stronger bond.

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