Hi all,
These are the last issues from AFCFEF. They will be available at Kulmbach in August and then via our website:
You can also follow us on Facebook:
The first issue is this group from general Custine and his staff during the Alsace campaign in 1793.
It is called Custine en Alsace, scale 40mm, engraving one side by D. Lepeltier, drawing F. Quiquerez based on F. Regamay
This year our club launches a new set dedicated to the "Grands capitaines de l'Histoire de France" (famous captains from the french history). The firsts two issues are Du Guesclin and Kirmann.
Du Guesclin, scale 54mm, engraving one side by D. Lepeltier, drawing F. Quiquerez based L. Rousselot (heraldic is nos engraved so this can be as well another knight)
Kirmann, scale 54mm, ngraving one side by D. Lepeltier, drawing F. Quiquerez based E. Leliepvre
These are the last issues from AFCFEF. They will be available at Kulmbach in August and then via our website:
You can also follow us on Facebook:
The first issue is this group from general Custine and his staff during the Alsace campaign in 1793.
It is called Custine en Alsace, scale 40mm, engraving one side by D. Lepeltier, drawing F. Quiquerez based on F. Regamay
This year our club launches a new set dedicated to the "Grands capitaines de l'Histoire de France" (famous captains from the french history). The firsts two issues are Du Guesclin and Kirmann.
Du Guesclin, scale 54mm, engraving one side by D. Lepeltier, drawing F. Quiquerez based L. Rousselot (heraldic is nos engraved so this can be as well another knight)
Kirmann, scale 54mm, ngraving one side by D. Lepeltier, drawing F. Quiquerez based E. Leliepvre